Just fun

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We open back right where we left off with Flame explaining everything to his friends about each crazy thing about himself from his personalities to his stories of the past of him obviously not the extreme things such as the war crimes and the espeon that he has to deal with 

" so yeah 3 personalities and the fact that the scar over my eye was cause by an explosion " As he said that the group got curious  " how comes that happened " River asked wondering how could a scar become this way " long story short,  i whore a mask with a star hole for my eye to look through on missions and i got unlucky and got blasted with a dark type move causing black scars instead of normal ones, believe it or not dark types moves does something to a mon's body " 

Yeah in this world night slash can do some otherworldly stuff to a pokemon same with dark pulse which was the move that hit him a large beam of dark energy that went straight into his open side of the mask causing the scar luckily he kept the eye the scar only being a memento 

" yikes, how come it's only your face though ", " River have you ever seen me without my shirt at all " yeah forgot to mention that they wear clothes...forgot to say that (oopsey me :p) 

" not really why.. hold on don't you dare take it off ", " why? " River then stared at him very keenly and raised an eyebrow the slowly licked her lips while her stare turned seductive " well i don't mind now that i though about it " The dark types felt very uncomfortable being in the room now, while River realized what she's doing Flame could only sit there and try his damn near hardest not to say anything dumb that would make this even worse

" Did we ever finish the whole 'visit all theme parks' thing, or did i somehow forget all that too " as he said that Aroura look horrified and Azeal looked at Flame understandably pissed " I take that as a resounding no, okay then how about a stay at home party to calm everyone's nerves ", " didn't you just wake up from what basically counted as a coma, why are you still so calm " 

River made total since him being this calm was out of pocket, normally he would be the first person to be on the walls when shit happens 

Flame's POV

Welp guess that does it my fate is sealed I the infamous Flame the sniper now must stay under the watch of a guardian (River and the espeon) without be found out as a fucking CIA, soldier, and black ops operator it's magical that I still sever without River catching me doing any sort of mission but being pampered by River kinda made me love my retirement or in better terms, a break from all the missions 

But i can't be just telling anyone this so I'll  tell you guys the viewer cuz i can for comedic effect. I am a well know assassin, know all around as the clean shot wonder able to clear a whole team of skilled mercs in seconds before they even know what's going on or even react matter of fact they just end up as blood puddles at my paws, but in the end i had to stop. It was going to happen one way or other but i just stopped.... boss was a bit demanding although being an assassin was my job, one of the many, the boss told me to just off an old lady and said it was my next assignment I've only killed bad guys and shit spy's and whatnot but never a civilian

And he gave me a choice death or my job... of course i chose death but he was never able to catch a mon like me, melting in the shadows and slipping from custody that's the reason the mask was placed on my face and I had no memories it was to stay low till they though i was dead but no more running if they see my face may death fall to them instead 

ANYWAYS, back to my well appointed fun day shall we 


"Yo the boss said that some rando blew up one of our guys what should we do" "Find the killer first"  The boss walks off to the window within the building they stand in over looking the city which looks eerily similar to the one Flame lives in " I don't care who it is as long as i can see the face of the pokemon that would be good enough"," funny you say that boss cuz the cams caught our little package stealer" as the boss pokemon walked over and saw the tape he had a smirk that had malice behind it.....they found him 

Back with the Flame gang 

We cut back to the gang of pokemon that are going to buy cakes and ice cream for a stay at home fun day instead of carnivals and theme parks  for safety reasons obviously but now they have hit a road block in their well appointed fun day 

" NO River, WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S BAD?!, " I mean that it's just horrible in my opinion, not much of a fan ya know  

The road block being personal opinion well shit 

" Aroura back me up here, " Yeah it's like the greatest thing that ever happened it was made for royalty right bro" 

For context they wanted to buy a chocolate cake but River being herself said that i tasted like it's color she meant that it taste like shit, me as the narrator i say fuck her chocolate is magical but ,whatever to each there own 

Azeal funnily was not paying attention and was more focused on looking out for anyone that comes too close to the group, ready to fight the only thing that snaps him out of the trance of ever having fear is his sister tapping his shoulder  

" Huh what's going on sis", " Why are you so absent minded right now, what's up", " Can't let up when there might be another creep looking to grab you and get off to his sick fantasies" 

He was still paranoid about the first time and is worrying over it happening again but his sister was less than worried 

" Dang so you don't trust Flamey over there" As Aroura mentions Flame he looks over to him with anger as he see him as the whole reason that happened in the first place but his expression change as when he started to look at Flame, it seamed that Flame had better thing to look at but his face showed nothing but fear and agony as Azeal followed his gazed he saw something that he managed to put two and two together 

The face, That same scar it seemed like it was another one of Flame's friends but his face had on a devil-ish smile  which must have been why Flame had such discomfort plastered on his face but without reason the mon slowly walked towards them as he moved closer Azeal stopped looking at his face and inspected what pokemon he was. An umbreon a rare sight to behold since most don't like dark types anymore  so most eevee don't choose it anymore but the closer this single pokemon got they felt more and more difficult to even move, they couldn't even mange to speak 

" ...Look whose not dead..." His words cut through the crowd like a hot knife searing into each mon in the group filling Aroura with so much fear that she instinctually gripped onto her brother while Flame stood there look almost unfazed his fear turning into shock and gratitude River was tense and ready to launch at the guy as soon as he makes a move for anybody but Flame only walked closer to the umbreon his face now showing a simple smile " I could say the same old friend" 

" I could recognize that scar from anywhere", " I'm not the only one here it seems" The both of them calmly address each other but they don't look friendly almost as if they had a history together but the similar scars shows that already  " i was sure that blast would get rid of you", " same with the fire but here you are you lone survivor 

After mentioning lone survivor the umbreon became very violent getting ready to hit the flareon with a punch infused with dark energy but was cut short with the sudden gun to his stomach 

" No sudden moves are you might not like the end of today got it" Flame had pulled a gun on the mon and was fully ready to pull the trigger  

now the group was just there behind Flame staring at the whole situation but heard laughter erupt from the two somehow they had not even alarmed anyone but the three mons behind Flame as if these people where ghost to everymon around them " Good one mate i really felt that fear that time", " As if you can feel in the first place  ya heartless statue" 

They were friends thankfully 

??? POV 

they met great, the band is coming back together how nice soon it will be my turn  Blacky, Flamey, icy, and leafy including me, can't wait for them to see Flames alive after thinking for so long that he died  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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