Theme park madness

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After the whole thing with house cleaned so perfectly Flame and River felt like just making them great pastries can't cut it after learning the couch was not black but white and they cleaned it from black to white 

"All right we though for a bit and we decided that as a thank you for cleaning the house so great" Flame stopped for some suspense "We wanted to treat you to a nice fun day at a theme park of your choosing" Aroura was overjoyed to hear this Azeal not so much knowing the dangers of a theme park and not having many fond memories of any theme park he has went to 

"So where to?" Flame asked with a more than happy smile with hope in his eyes which were quickly dimmed down to a face of shock on his mask and disappointment with what Aroura said "Why just choose one, when we can visit all of them in the area" 

The rest of the group had their doubts about being able to try them all in one day but they made a promise can't go back on it now so they went out and began the journey of visiting all 5 theme parks and riding there signature rides with a little fun in between

"ok first off let's try the soul taker then we can enjoy the storm chaser and THEN" As Aroura went on listing rides from different theme parks Flame is walking behind her with River and Azeal as all three of them looked like they hate life but they said they would do this might as well go through with it

As they reached the first stop they read the name of the Theme park called Rising Sun Flame started to light up with happiness as he yanks the other two to hurry them up

"HEY, what's the big idea eh" River exclaimed as she is violently grabbed "This is a place really dear to me it was the last place I can remember when I didn't wear this darned cursed mask" as they all get in Azeal and River saw that on Flames mask there are tears welling up in the masks eyes "Do you know about this?", "Nope as long as I knew him he never really wants to leave the house much or go exploring" As the River replies to Azeal they see that Flame has already caught up to Aroura and already got in line with her

"So uh are you gonna join us in the rides cuz I see you taking a seat there bud"," My sister knows that I don't like rides anyways so go have fun"," Nah I wanna know what's so terrifying about a roller coaster so you better start speaking cuz I ain't leaving till you do", " Fine then, I have a hard time with fast moving things and high places"," well shit ain't that funny"," why is that River"

As River turned to look at him with a pale face showing fear to him for the first time "Looks like we're in the same boat" As the two share a glance both feeling the same about rides that move fast or go high to their horror the line was really short and Flame and Aroura decided to get out of the line and drag them to the Flaming Train which was the name of the roller coaster as Azeal voiced his concerns River just sat tight and kept a strong face to not look bad in Flames eye's

"HEY ROLLER COASTER GUY" Flame yelled to the mon at the control panel "yes?, do you want off the roller coaster and please don't shout", "NAH, I want you to make this thing go as fast as you legally can allow" Flame looked to the Luxray with a excited look on his face as the Luxray gave him a wide grin as if he was hunting and just found his new prey "You got it my man, hang in tight cuz this ride is about to FLY"

As the Ride started off slow River was looking like she just wanted to be back at home reading a romance novel and sip her tea but sadly as she realized the ride was starting to go higher she knew that the drop is near and she was not going to enjoy that

And I know your wondering the other pokemon on the ride allowed that to go on but the truth is as soon as Flame asked him to make it go as fast as possible almost all the other mon's got off on even say something along the lines of "that was my friend said last time and I'm not looking to puke"

A flareon with a mask and a messed up lifeWhere stories live. Discover now