Happy death day

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As Flame brought david the arcanine, the mon that asked for him to clear out the building, to his home Flame stopped him to quickly make sure everything was 'okay' as he then walked up to the house with david, Flame spoke up in his usual soft toned voice" we cleared it like you said and there is no wild pokemon in it, so i expect a good compensation" Flame then gave a signal for the bombs to blow but in a twist of events the arcanine sped his way in and went sky high with the place ending with his dead brunt lifeless corpse to be thrown miles away from the house while the house was blow to nothing but smithereens and ashes just like the owners body

"OH GOD I KILLED SOMEONE", "nice it was about time your kill count when up from 0, congrats your no longer a wimp" River said very pleased with the murderer of the arcanine  but Flame wasn't that excited " WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY, WHY ARE YOU EXCITED, WE ARE GOING TO JAIL" Flame wasn't really happy about the thought of going to jail but that only had River laughing super hard " who the fuck said we are even going to jail, we could just run away or just hide the body and evidence", " YEAH SURE HIDE A FRIGGING HOUSE" Flame yelled straining his soft caring voice to highlight the large  evidence that he has to hide. "you can burn stuff right just incinerate it, then we would have no problems", "that's if i can find every ash and burn it not to mention the body!", "see your getting the hang of it", " THAT WAS SARCASM RIVER" 

As they argued the wild pokemon were all rejoicing in the fall of a stuck up asshole with no care as to what repercussion were coming but as they rejoiced they witnessed as Flame turned around to face them all with his masked face giving them a hellish stare of anger 

"SHUT IT OR YOUR NEXT FREAKS" all of the wild pokemon where shocked of how loud he yelled, straining his soft voice even more to the extreme but what shock them more was the word freaks, that was very out of his character but River knew why he freaked out" all right fine we'll just report it as an accident, let's say a.. voltorb blew up or something, ok?, just calm down".  As Flame slowly takes his time to process what even is going on he agrees to her plan passing out from yelling one to many times falling face first into the ground, which is not surprising to her as he really wasn't build for any of the usual strenuous activities." alright listen hear we gonna report this as a rouge wild pokemon attack so ya'll better make sure your out the area so you don't get accused for the crime or some nasty shit will happen to you" the wild pokemon were surprised to say the lest, on how nice River was when it came to making sure everyone was ok, except the dead guy, he's dead

As River walked with Flame in her arms she placed him down and she attempts to remove his mask to make sure she's not being fooled by this tricky flareon and as soon as her hands reach the mask Flame's paw shot up and stopped her" i knew you were awake" but no response for her companion, as she got a closer look on him she saw that he was really asleep but he instinctively reacted to someone trying to remove his mask without his permission" well, aren't you the vigilant type even in your sleep i can't remove this thing. says a lot about those trust issues you keep telling me about but i would love for you to let my hands go" when she said the Flame's paws went limp going back into his deep sleep or lucid sleep she can never really tell she can't see his eyes anyways.

 "i better get to moving you heavy butt but first...i would like to ask our personal stalker to show themself unless they want a face full of lead" After rustling could be heard as a female voice yelp out " HOLD IT, don't shoot i'm not looking for any enemies just people who i can trust" As the Zorua left the cover of the bushes she was meet face to face with AMW "i just need you to tell me why the hell your following us and what could you possibility need 'Friends' for huh" the zorua quickly answer with her life on the line " I NEED HELP" she yelp scared for her life " with?", "i can't find my little brother-", " ok stop right there, first didn't you just watch us blow up a person and a house in one go, second you shouldn't need help with this you look strong 'enough'" as they argued Flame slowly stared to wake up which in River case is not good do what dose she do. Hits Flame in the face sending him right back into his deep sleep but cracking his masked face " shit sorry Flamey but i need someone with a leveled head and not a strong heart" she whispered to herself " Are you listening?" that snaped her out of her trance focusing fully back onto the zorua " sorry go on", " cool as i was saying the state prison caught-", " HOLD IT, the fuck did he do to reach that far into trouble to be placed there", "He sold lemonade without a permit and being a upstanding citizen of the state star city....", " sorry to say this but what pokemon is he" River was very curious this one answer might the the turn up or down of her request ".....a.. zoroark why do you...ask?". River just lowers her gun with a very disgust face not towards the zorua but to the fucked up council the have to listen to " those raciest  motherfucking ASSHOLES, i take you job FOR FREE i just have a history with this stupid shity council of stuck up children", " i'm not following" the zorua was lost but a flame was fully awake but the time River was cussing " oh yeah that's cuz the council has a strict rule where evolving is banned by time i reached there the rule wasn't there but River was almost sentenced to the gulag but i stopped them by... a nice chat and some tea" River looked at him with a sly smirk " nice lie cupcake", " fuck the hell off wet mouth ya fucking Nile River having ass" The zorua was very confused whether or not they would help so she gave so important info to make them listen again " my name is Auroua and my brother is Azeal yell his name when you going for him and say that i sent you he'll coming willingly", "ight but don't count on it" Flame shot River with a little but still dangerous spark of fire " SHIT, Flame this is FUR not VAPOREON SKIN good damn it"

A flareon with a mask and a messed up lifeWhere stories live. Discover now