Prison Break

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As the two were over watching the jail the saw multiple weak points of the place but they had a very necessary conversation. "WHY DID WE SAY YES WAIT NO YOU SAID YES, WHY", " i thought you would say the something, right?", "....fair....point" As that fact was wrongly glossed over and something important forgotten (the dead guy). They sneaked there way in well, not quite sneak per say River scaled the wall as Flame just walked through the front door and just went in with no trouble when they meet up Flame had donuts and a sprite while River was scratched up and bruised in many places even her ass" HOW THE FUCK DID THEY LET YOU IN" Flame calmly replied with a shrug of his shoulder and a large sip and bite angering River even further so she just through them out the window " if your so special GO FETCH" Flame once again just shrugged and climbed down and returned with his drink and donut" WHA, HUH, hold on let me get this straight the guards let you though and the feral ones the ones trained to kill on sight with teeth and claws" flame started blankly at River as if what he was about to say was common knowledge " they do anything for food so i gave em piece of donut and left then i walked to you also they smell fear and bad intent so i feel good and nice no attck" Flame said all of that in a cutey voice mocking River once more" let just fucking move already " YO Azeal get out here please", " Flame that's not gonna work this is a-" to her shock someone responded so they followed the voice and walked to the cell that had a zoroark there age, with hope in his eyes he started to talk to the two " my sister sent you right", " yerup that's us" River was so fucked in the head that Flame's approach is working so flawlessly " cool the guards have the keys you need to-", " FLAME I SWEAR IF YOU SAY YOU HAVE THEM", " i do, i asked for them the nice guard gave me he said to give them back later" Flame with a derppy face on his fixed reactive mask staring into River cold dead eyes as if she wanted to choke him out right now (not in the kinky way freak) but she was so done that it didn't matter "oh, ok then get me out now", "be nice" River was losing it at this point and was mothing the words "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT" to Flame but in response he smirked and retuned fire by mothing "skill issue"

"can you open this gate please", "sure thing azeal, your welcome", " thanks, now let's sneak out" River glared with an intense passion to Flame expected bullshit to come from him and she was not disappointed, to her dismay "we can just walked through the front door come on" River was now this close to wringing his neck but had to hold back again, she doesn't want this to turn into a porno again as they walked a guards saw them and was ready to attack but stopped when they saw the flareon with the reactive mask as if they were scared " hey jarid here's ya keys", " thanks commander" as they walked out River and Azeal had there questions " COMMANDER FLAME I...AUGGGG, i should have known you pull a fucking stunt like that" Flame looked to her with confusion but was ready to clear up any thought's of the fluff boy using any trickery " i am an army commander or was I guess i just left on a long leave but they said it had something to do with trauma and the mask i wore to block reality or something, that's why when anyone in the army comes into contact with me they cannot say anything from my past in case they trigger PTSD and i go on an another killing spree as they say" both River and Azeal were dumbfounded " wait is that why you wear the mask and not let me take it off you hun?"," hun?!"

(we stop your normal reading for this shit, they call each other dumb nicknames everytime to the point it got sexual a little to much may i add)
"oh ok then information i wish to not here but good to know you two aren't dating" Azeal regretting those choice of words almost instantly as he was stared down by both Flame and River" you know on second though i am dating Flame matter a fact he's my husband", "wtf River shut up and just keeping going before i pull you aside and teach you a lesson you will not forget" Flame said with a blank face as if this really is not the same fiery kind soul but instead a imposter but no it's him just done with life that's all (i know what your saying that happened fast but hear me out it's better that those love stories where in one day they already fucking. I'm doing you a favour)

"BIG BROTHER", " LITTLE SIS", "River" everyone looked to Flame with a very frustrated look " aren't we playing the naming game?", " Flamey it's a reunion ok"," oh never had that happen to me welp" as they shut back up the two sibling hugged each other as in the background Flame just quickly kisses River and whispers "reunion of my lips to your face"
(NO THEY ARE NOT DATING, or married just friend that play too many jokes) but Flame is just meet with a slap, poor guy " we have to say thank you for you help but we have no money" as Aroura said than Flame whispered "didn't you say that it was free of charge?", "shut up let them go on for now", " we will be living with you to help with your day to day lives" the two siblings looked like they really meant what they said "I kindly say no, we barely know you" river being the smart mon in the situation but flame interrupted " when the hell did this become we I say let them stay ", " for fucking once be on the smart and safe side fool, what if they're murders what then" Flame took his time to answer

" You fight back?" River just looked at him lost and angry " NO, ok if you die tho you can go fuck yourself in hell" Flame then got closer to her face and whisper so quietly " But I wanted to fuck you" River could only stare at him dumbfounded and just filled with rage " Let's talk about this else where you two stay here for me or else" as the yanks Flame to a corner and they faintly hear sounds of pain and later yells of either pain or pleasure but they can't tell " YOU SON OF A BITCH I WILL KILL YOU", " HAVE MERCY RIVER"," AS IF"

From the yells they now understood that nothing 'good' is happening to Flame but later he comes back battered and bruised and a bit more sad looking

" We uhh...talked it over and you can stay with us", " SAY IT" River looked to Flame expecting him to keep his end of his deal to stop the painful beat down " As our maids " Flame said with a pained expression on his mask

A flareon with a mask and a messed up lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz