New Arrival (2) (Finale)

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It's been a few months since Amelia and Konrad arrived on Earth for their mission to look after the Eternal Hyperion. Hyperion wasn't a fan of it since he view this as Arishem not wanting him to meddle with the humans. Hyperion got along with Amelia little by little as Amelia would tell him stories of what her life was on Olympia not knowing that Olympia isn't real. Konrad is another story. He would visit once a month and then leave immediately. He just wanted to know what his sister is doing then fly away. The two male Eternals doesn't like each other.

We now see Hyperion on his apartment's rooftop in Queens as he enjoyed the view from above. Not the best view as flying higher but it will do. The view then started to darken as black clouds appeared from the sky. He can only sigh as he knew who's behind all this.

Hyperion: "Amelia, I was enjoying the view."

Amelia appeared around the corner as she skipped her way towards Hyperion after making the dark clouds disappear.

Amelia: "I was just having a little fun. You can watch the view up there you know. Since you can fly."

Hyperion: "It's nice to not use your powers for once."

Amelia: "You always keep saying that and starts to get annoying. I wish there is something fun to do here rather than sit around all day."

Y/n then heard his phone as he picked it up and saw that it was Tony.

Hyperion: "Tony.."

Tony: "Hey old man, I was wondering how are you doing?"

Hyperion: "Been doing well, thanks for asking."

Tony: "Great. You have time? I want you to come to New York. To catch up."

Hyperion then turned to Amelia who was playing with lightning and fire on her hand.

Hyperion: "Is it okay to bring one more person? I have a guest that has been staying with me for a few months now."

Tony: "Whatever just get over here already. Meet me at Stark Tower."

He then hung up as Hyperion just stared at the phone with a blank face.

Hyperion: "He just hung up on me. That's rude but it's Tony so yeah."

Amelia: "Who called?"

Hyperion: "A friend of mine. Says he wants to catch up. So go get ready. We are going to New York."

Amelia beamed up and immediately went back to their apartment and got changed. Hyperion just grabbed his coat that was on the ledge of the roof and put it back in before going back downstairs. Once he entered he saw Amelia already dressed.

 Once he entered he saw Amelia already dressed

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Amelia: "I'm ready to go. Aren't you going to change?"

Hyperion then gestured to himself making Amelia deadpan.

Amelia: "Seriously? You are going to wear that?"

Hyperion: "It's more comfortable. Now come on. We are not flying there."

The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X Hyperion Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now