MARVELous Adventure (3)

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The New Guardians of the Globe were preparing to intercept the creature that is attacking a ship. They went to head out but the large monitor turned on to reveal Cecil surprising the Guardians.

Samson: "Cecil?"

Cecil: "There's no need for you guys to stop it. I already ordered someone who is just nearby."

Rex: "Let me guess, is it Omni-Man? Oh even better, Invincible?"

Cecil: "No. Even better."

Robot: "...."

The monitor then changed towards the incident as they are watching from the drone Cecil sent to record. A giant octopus like creature wrapped itself around the ship that has people on trying to destroy it and kill them.

Rae: "Are you sure this people you sent Cecil can handle that?"

Cecil: "Certain."

The Guardians then saw what it looks to be a shooting star flying towards the creature at full speed. The star hit the creature making it let go of the ship and was sent flying towards the sea. The light died down to o reveal Carol who has a smirk on her face.

Rex: "She's hot."

Samson: "Really Rex?"

Rex: "Can you blame me?"

Amanda: "He's not wrong."

Kate: "Who is she?"

Cecil: "She's Captain Marvel. From what Arcanna told me she has the power of a star."

Samson: "Arcanna's alive?"

Cecil: "We'll talk about that some other time."

The creature emerged from the water and roared at Carol who only let out a raspberry.

Hyperion: "What are you? Four?"

Carol: "Hey! Let me have some fun for once."

Hyperion heard the people's scream as he turned around and saw the ship started to sink because it has a whole where the water started to come in. Hyperion flew towards the water and under the ship as Hyperion lifted it off the water and flew slowly towards the docks.

Cecil: "And that guy right there is Hyperion. He is just like Omni-Man but better."

After knowing that everyone is safe, Hyperion flew back towards the fight as Carol fired stellar light at the creature burning it's flesh. The creature raised it's tentacle and tried to hit Carol but a beam of intense heat sliced it's tentacles making it scream.

Hyperion: "Don't get cocky Carol. Always watch your back."

Carol: "Yeah yeah."

Carol's fists glowed as she dove down towards the creature and started to pummel it with powerful strikes. Carol flew back avoiding a swipe from a tentacle as Hyperion flew in a burst of speed and punched the creature making it fly back with its flesh caving in and Hyperion's fist smoking.

Rex: "How strong is this guy?!"

Rae: "He has laser eyes!"

Samson: "They are a powerhouse. Where did you find them Cecil?"

Cecil: "Truth be told they found me. They come from another world."

Rex: "What?!"

Robot: "World? You mean from a different dimension?"

Cecil: "Yes. Arcanna brought them with her along side a very incredible scientist. You'll meet them soon enough."

After dealing with the creature, Hyperion and Carol went back towards the Pentagon with Cecil's team cleaning what's left of the creature.

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