MARVELous Adventure (2)

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Zarda slowly walked out of the crater she created when she crashed down after being attacked by Carol. She gritted her teeth and can't wait to bash her face in. But before she could step out of the forest, Hyperion speared her on the abdomen as they went through multiple trees. Hyperion punched her but Zarda grabbed her shield just in time as she blocked the punch with her shield but the power behind the punch sent her flying into the air.

She could feel the shield vibrate as it went into her bones. She looked down and saw Hyperion already in front of her with a raised fist. She blocked it again and sent her crashing to the beach lifting up the sand. She groaned as Hyperion landed on the beach with a thud.

Hyperion: "Stop this before you hurt yourself."

Zarda dashed at the Eternal and went for a roundhouse kick to Hyperion's head. The kick landed but she froze in shock. Hyperion didn't move an inch and just stared at her with a blank stare.

Hyperion: "Why don't you just listen?"

Hyperion grabbed her leg and slammed her on the sandy ground before throwing into the air passing the aircraft Helen was piloting and landed on the water with a splash. Carol is seen blasting energy towards Arcanna as the sorceress makes a magic shield to block it. She manipulated the wind to fly in the air and fired bolts of energy towards Carol who just absorbed it.

Arcanna: "What?"

Carol: "Sorry to burst your bubble but I can absorb energy."

Carol then flew towards her in inhuman speed and grabbed her by the neck.

Carol: "We just want to talk. That's all."

Arcanna stared at her before sighing in defeat. She nodded as Carol descended down until they heard a thud from behind. They saw Hyperion with an unconscious Zarda on his shoulder with Helen landing the aircraft on the beach.

They followed Arcanna towards the middle of the forest to see a small cabin. They walked inside as Hyperion laid down Zarda on an empty bed as Arcanna started to heal her friend.

Arcanna: "So what do you want to talk about?"

Carol: "This."

She put the hologram device on the coffee table as it showed the island a few days ago when a surge of magical energy just spiked up.

Hyperion: "We just want to know what happened here a few weeks ago. Seeing earlier that you used magic."

Arcanna: *sigh* "You are correct. I was the one who did that. You see, I am not from this world."

The three looked at each other and went to focus back on Arcanna and to her story.

Helen: "So the Multiverse really exists."

Arcanna: "I came from an Earth just like this. It has superheroes of it's own but something happened that led me to escape and appear here."

Helen: "Is it bad?"

Helen: "Is it bad?"

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