Captain America: Civil War (1)

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We see Hyperion flying at supersonic speeds breaking the sound barrier. He is wearing civilian clothes consisting of a black shirt, pants, boots and a coat. He is on his way to the Avengers' Compound to check on everybody. He landed in front of the entrance and walked in.

Jasmine: "Hyperion?"

Hyperion: "Jasmine. What's going on here?"

Jasmine: "Well, to tell you the truth. Everything has gone to shit."

Hyperion: "That bad huh?"

Jasmine: "Yup."

Hyperion: "Where are the others?"

Jasmine: "Cap went out with Sam. Pietro, said he's going somewhere. Me, Wanda and Vision are the only ones here."

Hyperion: "Where is Wanda?"

Jasmine: "In her room. Come on."

Jasmine lead Hyperion through the halls and into the lounge area connected to the kitchen. As they walked their he saw Vision cooking something in the kitchen as he greeted the Eternal once he saw him.

Vision: "Hyperion. It's good to see you looking so well."

Hyperion: "You too Vision."

Wanda walked out of her room and saw Hyperion. She smiled and gave the Eternal a hug which Hyperion returned in kind.

Wanda: "I missed you."

Hyperion: "Sorry If I haven't been visiting lately. I got caught up with something."

Wanda: "It's alright. I'm just happy to see you again."

Hyperion: "You too kid."

Wanda then noticed Vision who was cooking and smelled it.

Wanda: "Is that paprikash?"

Vision: "I thought it might....lift your spirits."

She smiled and grabbed a spoon before tasting Vision's cooking.

Wanda: "Spirits lifted."

Vision: "In my defense, I haven't actually ever.....eaten anything before."

Hyperion: "Well you don't need to Vision."

Wanda: "May I?"

Vision: "Please."

Hyperion: "I'm leaving you two with what you are doing."

Hyperion walked away as Wanda and Vision talked with each other. Jasmine followed Hyperion as she told him everything that has happened.

Hyperion: "So because of this Accords thing, everyone are split on different sides?"

Jasmine: "Yeah. I'm still TBD (To Be Determined). I can't decided either to sign or not."

Hyperion: "We can't really do anything about it now. It's 117 countries who agreed."

Jasmine: "What about you? Are you gonna sign?"

Hyperion: "You mentioned Ross deemed me as a threat since no one can stop me. Then it's going to be a no."

Hyperion stood back and went for the exit as Jasmine sighed. She is still conflicted on whether to sign it or not. Hyperion got out of the compound and flew back to Korea to talk with Helen.

He was back in their house cooking something for Helen when she appeared looking distressed.

Helen: "Honey, you need to see this."

Helen turned on the TV as a news channel appeared. Hyperion turned off the stove and walked towards Helen standing beside her. He saw on the news Steve, Sam and Bucky getting arrested with someone else.

The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X Hyperion Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now