MARVELous Adventure (4) (Finale)

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The two powerhouses stared at one another with Carol having a smirk while she was in her Binary form. Nolan clenched his fists ready to fight his opponent. He hasn't seen what Carol can do except fly but if he is being honest, he felt Carol's punch earlier.

Carol: "So what's it gonna be Omni-Man? You wanna surrender or I'll beat the ever living shit out of you?"

Nolan: "Do you really think you can stop me?"

Carol: "I don't know.....Sike!"

Carol dashed towards Omni-Man as Nolan crossed his arm to block a strike from Carol but he still skidded back a few meters away. He dig his feet on the ground with his arms smoking. Carol wasn't finished, he continued to fly towards Nolan and let out a flurry of punches. Even though Nolan with a thousand years of experience, he was being pushed back by the heroine.

Carol: "Come on! Show me what a Viltrumite can do!"

Nolan had enough and threw his fist forwards colliding with Carol's creating a shockwave that shook the Earth.

Carol: "Finally!"

Nolan pushed Carol back as she block one of Nolan's punches before retaliating with her own. Shockwaves can be heard from miles away as the two flew in the air with their fists colliding. Everyone in the GDA watched in awe as they saw someone who can stand up to Nolan when it comes to brute strength.

Debbie: "Cecil, you need to stop this."

Cecil: "There's no point on stopping this Debbie. If we do, we don't know how many more people will die. That's why I have Helen and Arcanna's androids to evacuate the city in case the fight gets rough."

Debbie: "Please Cecil."

Cecil: "I'm sorry."

Debbie turned towards a silent Hyperion who was watching the fight on the monitor. He was so focused that Debbie didn't try to disturb him and just watched the fight.

Carol landed another punch onto Nolan's face sending the Viltrumite crashing to the ground. Her fists then stared to charge cosmic energy as she fired a photon beam at Nolan pushing him even further into the crater.

Carol flew down and landed on top of Nolan and started to pummel him with punches. Nolan gritted his teeth and kicked Carol off of him as he tackled the cosmic powered heroine and drag her on the ground creating a trench.

Carol elbowed him and blasted him with cosmic energy making him let go of her as the two flew up a few feet away from each other. Nolan wiped the blood from his mouth as Carol dusted her suit.

Carol: "You pack a punch, I give you that."

Nolan: "This is pointless. Stop it now."

Carol: "And then what? Watch you kill innocent people? That's not gonna happen."

Carol blasted Nolan back as she charged at him with her flowing fist. He started to let out precise strikes that either Nolan block or took. Carol then blasted him on the face rendering him temporarily blind before tackling Nolan through an empty house. Carol let out more blasts of cosmic energy as Nolan gritted his teeth and reach out to grab Carol's face.

He slammed her down and grabbed her leg before slamming her on the ground. He then threw her through the roof as Carol crashed on top of a parked truck. Nolan flew up and brought down his foot on Carol's back destroying the car and creating a large crater.

Nolan bent his knees before jumping into the air and flew away at breakneck speeds. Carol got out of the crater as she spit out blood with a grin on her face.

Cecil: "Carol, follow him!"

Carol: "Don't tell me what to do old man."

Carol went back into her Binary form and chased after Nolan.

The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X Hyperion Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang