First of forever

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Later that night, Abhi's parents picked him up. Meera handed Abhi to them in the parking lot itself to avoid them spotting Taehyung or other strangers in her home. It was weird for her, to have complete strangers sleeping in her house. Yet she knew she was safe.

They ordered some takeout for the night and then settled into their respective beds. The manager and assistant noona were given extra bedrooms in Meera's and Avni's apartments respectively.

Meera was exhausted as she settled beside Taehyung and pulled her comforter over herself. Though they were sleeping beside each other, she had arranged for a separate comforter for Taehyung for the sake of respecting his private space. They held hands, arms touching to maintain skin contact for healing.

"I am sorry, I know the bed isn't really comfortable, you must be used to softer ones." Meera said as she could feel Taehyung shifting and trying to get comfortable.

"No, really it's fine. I slept the entire morning and afternoon. So I won't be able to sleep for some time. " He assured her. It was true, yet only a partial reason. Taehyung had never slept with a girl before. He might have had a few one-night stands here and there, but he had made a habit of dropping or arranging transport for the girls respectfully and safely to wherever they wanted to go afterward. This was the first time he would ever spend the night with a girl minus the sleeping part and he knew it would be the first of his forever. She was it, the one who would sleep next to him forever, even though for now it was for healing's sake. It unsettled him and he was too nervous to even relax.

Meera was trying hard to relax as well. She was exhausted and she knew she would have slept as soon as her head hit the pillow had it not been for the man sleeping beside her. It was her first time sleeping beside a guy. She had never had any boyfriends before and it rattled her to have a guy, so masculine and handsome in her bed. He had slept beside her in the afternoon too and even cuddled her. She had felt his hard, muscular body enveloping her small, soft frame, but she hadn't paid any attention to that. She had been worried for him, entirely focused on his healing and trying to feel through the bond whether he was alright and getting better. But now that he was a little better, she could barely relax her nerves.

"Can't sleep?" Taehyung asked as he could feel that she was jittery through the bond. Even though they couldn't actually feel each other's emotions and feelings unless they were extreme, they would always be attuned to each other's minds.

"I... No. I have ADHD and sometimes, it's difficult for me to sleep when I uhh.. have too much on my mind." Meera told him honestly.

"You have ADHD?"

"Yeah. It's annoying really." She chuckled.

"Yoongi hyung has it too. He had trouble sleeping for a long time until he set himself a routine." Meera hummed, not knowing if she should reveal how much she knew about the group for the fear of sounding creepy.

Taehyung turned onto his side to fully look at her. There was faint moonlight streaming through the window and she looked beautiful in it.

"About your sister, you said she has no one to take care of her. I am sorry if this is private, I was just curious." Taehyung looked at her carefully.

"Avni, she.. It's between her baby's father and her, but they aren't together now and her family... Indian culture is really orthodox. Society looks down upon girls who get pregnant outside of the soulmate bond or arranged marriage wedlock since soulmates have been mostly hard to find before this pandemic. So her family had uhh.. I don't know the Korean word for this, they sent her out of the house. I suppose she'll go live with her aunt now." Taehyung chuckled at her use of words.

"How do you know Korean? You speak so well for a non-native speaker."

"I ..uhh, I am an ARMY. I have watched plenty of your content, Run BTS, Bon Voyage, BTS documentaries and movies along with your Vlives. Also, a few K-dramas, though I don't have much patience for them. I just... picked the language up." Taehyung was impressed at that, even though she was being modest, he could tell she had learned it relatively easily. It had taken him years of learning and cramming his head to learn English and he still wasn't really fluent. He was also a bit pleased to learn that she was an ARMY.

"Who is your bias?" He asked as he knew it was a thing in the fandom. He was curious to know what she thought about him.

"I... uhh.. don't have a bias. I lo-like all the members equally." She stuttered out, turning red and thankful for the darkness around them. She hated that she couldn't lie properly.

"Really?" He asked in a teasing voice.

"Yeah, yes. Anyways, I had always wanted to know, and I am sure all ARMYs want to know too, when are you gonna release KTH1?"

// Sorry for the short chapter but this is the second chapter in a day and I didn't have enough time to edit more. I'll update a longer one tomorrow to make up for it. Don't forget to vote if like the story to show some appreciation.//

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