Unconditional support

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The members pulled Taehyung into an empty room as soon as the meeting was done to hold their own team meeting. After bombarding him with questions about his health and well-being, they finally sat down to discuss the team dynamics.

"So I suppose she will be going with us everywhere." Taehyung said as he told them about his improvement in capacity.

"Well, it won't be much different than our managers and assistants following us everywhere. But she is more special, she is now a part of our family. Whatever the relationship dynamic between you two, she is almost like a sister-in-law to us. We should try our best to make her feel welcome and comfortable. She has shifted from an entirely different country to a different culture. Moving here must be a culture shock for her. Taehyung will do his part, but we too must do our best whenever she is around to help her adjust." Namjoon said, like the true leader he was.

"Right. Right. She hasn't seen the other part of our lives. There is a constant threat and so much pressure. We need to help them both protect their privacy too. Once the news leaks, aside from it being a danger to BTS, it's a danger to her life. Who knows what the crazy fans might do." Hobi hyung said and other members made noises of agreement.

"Let's support these two as best as we can. Taehyungie, we have made this decision already, we are just informing you now. You don't need to worry about anything at all. We are always here for you. Whatever you need, you know you just have to ask, right?" Jimin said and Taehyung could just nod, overwhelmed by gratitude for his brothers. One by one, everyone dispersed after talking some more except Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung could see that Jimin wanted to talk to him, so he waited patiently until the room was empty, ignoring his urge to go find his soulmate.

"So, how's everything going so far? Everything okay?" Jimin asked, clapping Taehyung on the back affectionately and sitting beside him on the table.

"Ahh, everything's fine. I am healing alright, so far, Meera has taken the move well too. She is sad, but it's to be expected."

"Should I expect a wedding in the near future? I know the company's decision to keep it all secret and you aren't keen on publicity too, but what exactly do you think about all this?" Jimin asked, hoping his best friend would tell him at least something about how he was feeling.

"I don't mind keeping everything secret. It's for the best, especially for her security. And you know I am not in a hurry to get married anytime soon. I have too much on my plate already, my career, my solo album, our group album, BTS group activities and my solo activities. It's not really the right time yet."

"Oh, you are right, a wedding right now... will be a messy affair." Jimin shrugged.

"Meera is young too, she hasn't even graduated yet, so I suppose she wouldn't mind waiting for a few years. And I haven't even reached the average age of marriage yet."

"And what about everything between you and Meera? I noticed you holding her hand. And don't think I missed you standing outside the conference room for 5 minutes. What was going on? Some extra healing before the meeting?" Jimin waggled his eyebrows with a mischievous smile making Taehyung blush with an adorable boxy grin on his face.

"Yaah, it was nothing of that sort. We were just talking outside the conference room, she was a little nervous and I was just.. Helping her. And anyway, there is nothing of that sort between us. We are taking it slow."

"Waah, really? I mean.. don't get me wrong, how do you resist that face? She is so pretty." Jimin said, trying to tease his best friend. Instead of getting provoked, Taehyung got a dreamy sort of smile on his face.

"That she is. Really beautiful." He mumbled, zoning out and Jimin stifled a laugh.

"Bro, you are whipped." This made Taehyung blush and duck his head to hide his shy smile.

"So why are you taking it slow? You clearly like her, she likes you too judging by the way she looked at you for the entire meeting."

"Jimin-ah, I am just.. trying to give her some space, you know. She moved countries for me, and she left her pregnant sister and a best friend behind for me, she is going to adjust and compromise a lot for me and I feel so guilty about making her do that. Sometimes I feel.. Are my dreams worth making her suffer?"

"Yaah, Kim Taehyung, you are being stupid right now. She really doesn't think like that, you know. She is okay with all this, she isn't suffering or anything. Even if her soulmate was a normal person from her own country but living in a different city, she would have had to move for him. This is similar to that situation, except, she just had to move countries instead of cities. And I know you, you are going to take care of her very well. You won't let her suffer or get hurt in any way."

Taehyung nodded in agreement, his heart clenching at the thought of Meera having a soulmate other than him.

"But I also don't know what she really thinks about me, you know. She knows me as V, my stage persona where I have to act charming and be cute and funny to entice fans. What if she doesn't like my real self? What if she thinks I am boring or not good enough?"

"Don't think about it like that. You are an amazing human being. You are the perfect gentleman, kind, charming and sensitive. Of course she is going to like you. She is the exact kind of girl you want and need, isn't she? She is perfect for you, that's why fate chose her as your soulmate. Similarly, you will keep her happy too, you are a perfect match for her too. So do whatever you can to keep her happy and healthy, okay? We would also be there for you and her. We wouldn't let her suffer, you know that right?" Jimin said and Taehyung sighed.

He knew Jimin was right and he knew he was being a little irrational with his feelings. But he couldn't help it when he remembered how painful it was for her to leave her home. How she had relentlessly worried about her pregnant sister Avni and was helpless to actually do anything. Everytime he looked at her he remembered how she had felt while she had hugged Varun and Avni for one last time before leaving the country. And the niggling feeling of guilt burrowed deeper every time he remembered these things.

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