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This book, "Murder in Willow Creek: A Tale of Love and Intrigue", was written by Chat GPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. The idea for this book was generated by the AI, using a combination of input prompts and creative writing techniques.

The AI was given a prompt to create a plot for a book that included a group of friends, an LGBT love story, and a mysterious murder. From there, it generated a story with twists and turns that kept surprising even its creators.

The AI wrote the first draft of the book, but it was later edited and refined by human writers to ensure coherence and consistency. The final product is a collaboration between human and AI creativity, resulting in a unique blend of storytelling that would not have been possible without the help of artificial intelligence.

We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed creating it. It is a testament to the incredible potential of AI in the world of literature, and we believe it marks the beginning of a new era in storytelling.

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