Chapter 7. Juice mind

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We drove back home to check on Mossfet, I know my little brothers think Mossfet isn't human but so what if they are? They're still just like us besides the weird feral-like behaviors.

But the feral part is a bit literal. Our living room was absolutely trashed.

Pillows were everywhere, feathers were in the air, the dishes were miraculously not broken yet everywhere.

And maybe some of Socks's Jupiter Jim comics are a bit ripped. Which Socks yelped; "MY JUPITER JIM COMICS- THOSE WERE LIMITED ADDITION-!"

Yeahhhh- I don't think he's happy.
I can't believe I was the one to scold this slightly feral astronaut. It was not pleasant.

I just hope that 35 minute scold was enough for Mossfet to understand. So we roll out back into the car.

This time I let Socks drive, Socks practically begged to at least because Blaza's kicking was unbearable for him. I don't seem why it's so uncomfortable, I'm also sure it's not Blaza's fault, he's been like this since 6. It just wasn't this bad I guess. I have a feeling something is up with him but I'm not a doctor at all.

As I sat in the car I couldn't help but think what would've happened if our parents were still...with us. My thoughts were interrupted by a hard kick to the back of my seat, I glanced behind me, Blaza's legs were swinging again. I sighed not wanting Blaza to feel bad. Blaza was also very fidgety and very bouncy this time.

"Gummy Bear settle down."
Socks sighed, I guess Socks just wanted me to be comfortable but that definitely killed off Blaza's happiness a bit.

Blaza apologized.

"You don't need to apologize Blaza."
I frowned at Socks.

He can't help it..
I thought feeling sympathy for my little brother.

"It's the truth."
Socks mouthed to me. Which my frown turned into a glare.

I told him to hush with the cutting throat motion, which Socks yelped quietly in response.

"We're here."
I stopped the car, my heart was racing. Socks looked at me with worry.

"You know it's not too late to turn back?"
Socks reminded me.

"No we need this. We need this to get our life back. We need this for Blaza, we need this for us."
I breathed heavily, my hands shook rapidly.

Socks nodded.
"Okay then let's go."

Me, Socks, and Blaza heads into the ominous dark building that loomed over us.

"We'll need the luck..."
I heard Blaza mutter to himself.

That sent shivers down my spine.

We entered the building. Meme was there to greet us with a smile yet a glare was shown.

"Okay let's get this over with."
Socks sighed.

"You will need to fill out paper"
Meme placed a small document onto the white counter.

Socks asked in a rude matter. Before I could apologize or shut him up Meme's face cracked a furious smile.

"Classification document."
Meme moved the papers closer to Socks and Me with a single finger.

I knew Socks was going to tick Meme off so I quickly signed it pushing Socks away roughly.

Meme seems to have calmed a bit.

"Blaza isn't going to get hurt is he?"
I asked in worry.

"No. Maybe? We'll make sure he doesn't."
Meme seems very sympathetic for me even though I was totally in on the prank.

I wasn't sure if I should mention it to him.

"Hey Meme-"
I tried to apologize but Meme interrupted me by opening a huge door behind him.

"Come on in."
Meme slowly walked to the other side of that door, me and my brothers followed.

Blaza seems to be fidgety as usually, he was yanking on my hoodie softly he does this when he's nervous sometimes. Socks on the other hand looked pissed with his stern arm cross, and that cold glare staring at Meme and the grumbling.

I felt the usual this doesn't feel right feeling crawling up my spine.

Blaza whispered like a frightened child.

"What's up?"
I asked.

"This place isn't normal."
Blaza looked up at me with his glazed eyes.

I stagger back in shock, but Blaza wasn't next to me in the first place. Instead I was in a room filled with royal blue flowers.

"Wait- what happened how did I get here!?"
I looked around in a panic.

"Calm down already."
Meme's voice can be heard on some speaker, I turned around to see Meme standing up with a speaker in the shadows.

That unsettled me.

"Seems like the anomaly had a huge impact on you, not as much as your littlest brother though."
Meme smiled pleasantly yet eerily.

I punched the glass window where Meme was.

"That's none of your concern for now, I'll deal with them, don't worry. If you ever want to get them back you'll do as I say."
Meme chuckled.

This was obviously some sick joke or revenge because of the papers.

"Good luck on the second trial."
Meme pressed a red button, at that moment a bunch of blue spores appeared out of nowhere, I could feel my vision blurry, my legs wobbly, I passed out later soon, I think at least, everything just went dark, but my mind was still working. I don't even know what's happening, I'll just pray for Crepitate to hope that my little brothers are safe.

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