Chapter 8. Oh child

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My vision is all blurry, is this what it's like to be on drugs? Everything is head hurts...

"A new playmate! A new playmate! I haven't met anew playmate in almost decades!"
A spunky voice says happily, there's a lot of flapping like something is flying... what is that black...fuzzy thing in the air??

I stand up, it's still so wobbly I feel so nauseous...

I say sticking my tongue out.

"Oh golly, he sure knocked you out great then."
The voice sounds like it's on top of me, I look up, I can only see my orange bear hoodie's top, and something black almost like wings-? Bat wings???

A bat with pink eyes say as they look at me upside down, I yelp and quickly smack the bat away from my head, the bat flies across the room onto a bean bag, the bat laughs, as they squirm around on the beanbag laughing hysterically.

"What- di-did you talk?!"
I ask a little scared but also excited.

"Of course I can talk!"
The bat says jumping up from the beanbag and takes flight, the bat flies at incredible speed as he circles around, he could make a small tornado if he wanted to! Or that's at least what I think...

"B-but how? Are you magical?"
I ask hopefully.

"Magicalll? I'm your conscious!"
The bat flies back to Blaza happily.

"A-am I going insane? Is that's why I cant pay attention or sit still?"
I ask looking down in the ground.

"Woah- I didn't mean it like that."
The bat flies down and lands on the ground besides Blaza.

"I'm Nadwe, we'll actually it's P-112-S, but I like Nadwe better."
The bat says.

"Nadwe? You have a name?"
I ask curiously.

"Yeah. We all do. What's your name?"
Nadwe shrugs as he kicks his fangs a bit with his tongue.

"Blaza...I never really liked my deadname. So Blaza is fine."
I reply.

"Blaza? You know what a funny nickname would be?"
Nadwe asks smiling.

I ask raising an eyebrow.

Nadwe replies and flies on top of my head using my hoodie as some sort of blanket.

I chuckle and I rub Nadwe under the chin.

"Wow I haven't felt like a pampered pet in a long time.."
Nadwe sighs happily.

"How long have you been here?"
I ask.

"34 decades."
Nadwe replies.

I blink in shock.

"34- 34 decades?! H-how old are you?"
I ask in awe and confusion, surely a small bat like Nadwe couldn't be really old right?

"That's right 34 decades, I'm 340 years old."
He smiles proudly.

"I-I'm only 13- am- am I going to be stuck here?"
I ask shuddering at the thought.

"Probably but hey! Think on the bright side bud! You have me now!" He jumps off my head and starts flying around again.

"I can't wait for lunch!"
Nadwe says happily circling around the room.

"Lunch what do you have for lunch?"
I ask in wonder.

"Fruits! I'm a fruit bat Blazsies!"
Nadwe chuckles like it's obvious.

I say feeling stupid, then a bunch of fruits on a basket gets thrown in the contentment I'm in from above.

"Lunch!!!" Nadwe laughs but then gets hit by a mango hitting him down to the ground stopping his flight.

I gasp in worry and rushes over to him.

"Curse you mangoes!"
Nadwe hisses as he moves the mango off him.

I blink, then I can feel myself chuckling, then I burst into laughter. I can't help it I don't know why this little bat is so funny and amusing.

Nadwe laughs too as he eats his mango, he bites into it sucking on the juice.

"Do you not eat the whole thing like bats do?" I ask curiously, because vampire bats usually suck on blood while fruit bats eat the fruit not exactly suck out the juice...or at least that's what I remember.

"No, the inside is so slimey- eugh, but the juice is so refreshing! I still get protein anyways though."
Nadwe smiles, his mouth was covered in mango juice glowing liquid-??

"Is that- normal?"
I ask.

Nadwe tilts his head and sees the pink glowing liquid his eyes widening.

"N-no...I-I don't feel too good..."
Nadwe groans.

I back up, I have a bad feeling, Nadwe's body quivers and his ears perk up, his eyes turning completely hot pink, he then smiles...but that smile doesn't look looks more...playful and....menacing.

"N-Nadwe? Are you sure this isn't normal? Don't mess with me- what's going on?"
I ask, but then Nadwe disappears from my sight.

"Where did he-"
Suddenly Nadwe appears right in my face.

I gasp in shock the world just seems to have slowed...then Nadwe lashes my face, it cuts my mouth and tongue a bit, I back up and breathe heavily my tongue hurts like crazy and it's bleeding.

"Nadwe stop-!"
I beg, then Nadwe proceeded to charge into my face, he swipes between my eyebrow and eye, it luckily didn't get my eye but it hurt, I start to cry a bit from the pain.

"Nadwe stop what's happening?! Stop hurting me!"
I sob grabbing Nadwe with my hands roughly to try and throw him away from me, but he clings on his claws digging into my hands I scream in pain and throws Nadwe but this only deepens the claw leaving tiny yet deep scars on my hands only a few scratches though.

Nadwe screeches and tries to lunge at me again but I hold his body close ripping him away from me, bleeding and crying. My tongue...and my hands hurt...I didn't know what to do so I grabbed an apple on the ground that came with the lunch and bonks Nadwe on the head with it, this knocks Nadwe out.

I ask a little worried, I check his pulse and breath. Both okay he's alive...thank goodness I didn't kill him. I rest him on a nearby beanbag that was in the containment and let him rest. I ground as I used my orange bear hoodie to soak up the blood from the scratches Nadwe gave me, they actually maybe scars now because they're bleeding like crazy.

I sigh, I hated that, but something isn't right, did Meme's employees inject some sort of chemical in Nadwe's lunch? Is it why I'm here? To see how he reacts? I don't know but I hope for the best that it's nothing too serious.

A scientist says but I instruct him.

"Don't call me that."
I say coldly, I don't like him using my deadname.

"It's Blaza. Not that deadname."
I say sternly.

"Well...okay's time for another test."
He says.

"What test?"
I ask.

"You'll see."
He says and I follow him out, whatever it is, it can't be good.

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