Chapter 35 [ My Obsession ]

942 70 39

1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.

Word Count: 6046

My eyes blinked slowly as i finally managed to wake myself up, or should i say as i am awoken by the loud thumping from my Door.

I groan and turn in my bed 10 times trying to get comfortable again, of course I can't. This better be good, because i dont have to be up for work for another few hours.

"Get up, ziana. You can't stay in bed all day." My ears pear out to Millers voice at my door, An automatic Smile that Romans voice always triggers Lingers on my lips.

"Go away!" I yell before putting my pillow over my face and groaning into it,

"If you dont get up in the next 5 minutes im going to knock this door down."

"you can't im getting dressed."

"Is that supposed to want me not to do it?" I roll my eyes and launch a pillow at it before sitting up from the bed and rubbing my eyes. The party roman threw for me felt like an absolute fever dream.

Im not even sure if it ever happened to begin with, i cant imagine that me and Miller got along like that, that me and miller openly liked each other like that.

It felt good, It felt right. Making me absolutely hate the fact that we wasted so much time arguing and not enjoying each other. But i plan to make up every single second of that time.

I walk to the door, my Bonnet almost half off my head, Oversized Pyjamas and fluffy socks on. I click the door handle down to open it,

Roman stands in front of me, staring me down Looking absolutely perfect as always, so handsome that it makes me wonder if he gets up early just to perfect his look.

He looks down to me in a Dark Blue Sleek hoodie that looks perfect with his loose matching Bottoms with a smirk as he leans against the door frame,

"Looking stunning as always, is that a new Shirt?" His typical sarcasm rings through my ears making me want to nudge him in the gut,

I put a hand in the air shutting him up,

"Why were you banging on my door this early in the morning, anyway?"

"Its 9am, this is early to you? And Good morning to you too."

"Yes, yes it is. Shouldn't you be at some type of Office with some stuck up officers and criminals or something?"

"Nope, i would rather spend the day with this criminal." My eyes squint at him as he pulls my bonnet backwards to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead. I do all in my favour to stop the smile that begging to burst out from revealing itself, but i can't help it.

"Besides, We aren't going to work today." I turn my head up at him confused,

"We? What do you mean we?"

"I called your work place and told em you aren't coming in today. You're welcome." Oh great, this is a new habit right? Hey, i ain't complaining a day off work.

"You what? How did that even convince my boss? That guy is more uptight than Paxtons Jean trousers." I joke as i turn around and step to my bed again

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