Chapter 47 [ All your heart desires ]

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Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Word Count: 5657

"Do you have the goods?" I whisper to Elijah, looking at both sides of myself and behind me to make sure I'm not being heard.

"Why are you whispering like you're a detective or something?" I shush him before snatching him by his short sleeve shirt and dragging him inside the house.

Normally I wouldn't be so persistent but with the things he is holding in that plastic green bag for me I can't waste any time.

"Do you have what i need or not Eli?" I say with my hands rubbing together like a drug addict ready to get their fix,

"Yeah i got it but i might just have to wait for another few minutes just to see the look on your face again." I slap his shoulder as he hides the bag behind his back.

Judging by his Plain white shirt, His dreads in a bun behind his head, His red and black striped pyjama bottoms and his Sliders and the fact it's 5am on a Sunday. I'm guessing my best friend just got straight out of bed for this.

"Stop playing and give me the bag!" I exclaim grabbing it from his hand, the shuffling sound of the plastic filling my ears as i all but run to the living room while he follows behind me.

I plant my butt onto the soft couch struggling to make my legs cross in front to me on it until Elijah helps me out.

It doesn't take long before my fingers rip through the bag and my eyes light up when i see exactly what i asked for in front of me. I roll up the sleeves to my Mint green Long sleeve shirt before diving into it,

"Dare i even ask what you're going to do with all of this? And why you had to ask me to bring it over so early." He asks with his face twisted into an expression of concern.

"These pregnancy cravings are unGodly, besides I can't possibly have roman seeing what im eating. The jit is as healthy as ever, the last thing i need is for him to be disgusted by my eating habits."

"Oh so it's okay if i get disgusted but not him?" He asks, helping me open the jar of pickles

"Now you're getting it!" His eyes rolled. If roman saw me squeezing this honey onto this pickle and sprinkling it with some salt from the store he'd kick me out of his life faster than i could run. Plus today is a big day, it's the first day roman is coming to church with us. I can't let this ruin our day.

"There is no way you're going to eat that, Zee." His lips form a disgusted quiver as i sink my teeth into the honey salted pickle, my head tilted back with satisfaction,


"You're not allowed to judge me, it's what the baby wants..." i whine before drizzling more honey in it and taking another mouthful. This will probably be gross in a few month's time when im not pregnant but right now the saltiness, sweetness and Sourness all combined are exactly what i was craving.. well almost.

"Where's your fiancé anyway? Im sure he would be up in arms if he found out i was in his house this early." Elijah asked finding the remote to the Television and searching up one of Pastor Davis's Sermons on the web.

"He got a hotel for the night." I spit out rushing my words before my mouth wrapped around the final bit of the pickle, grieving its delicious taste.

"A hotel? You guys been fighting? See i told you he was no good for you ziana, God has to be the one to choo-"

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