Chapter 3 - Part 2

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Waverly sat in a cosy cabin In the middle of nowhere with a crazy guy, seated to the right of her. What had she done to deserve this? She's been a good girl, always has, never broke the law, always did her homework, she hasn't even lost her virginity yet. Why her, oh God what had she done wrong?

After the long stretch of silences, the room was filled with the noise of Emrys' voice. "Please let me explain," Emrys said as he slowly advanced towards her.

"No, don't you dare touch me," Waverly said, as her panic increased. Emrys noticed the fear in her voice, and it hurt him to make her feel like that.

"Shit, Waverly, please I'm not really a weirdo, just listen to me." Emrys tried to persuade her but with little to no luck Waverly didn't even blink towards his words. So he tried again.

"Waverly, please just hear what I have to say and if by the ended of my explanation you still think I'm crazy you can call the police. Here, you can even call them with my phone." He said desperately while holding out the phone to her.

Waverly contemplated whether she should take his phone. Her phone was dead, if she did decide to take his phone, she would call the police immediately. Screw hearing what he had to say. She's heard enough. She just wanted to go home and go back quickly. Though....getting the police involved would prolong that with that said, she gave a heavy sigh and took the phone. Waverly would listen to he had to say than she would ask to go.

Emrys gave a relieved sigh as she took the phone from his Hands. He wasted no time getting into detail. "I'm from an ancient race that is mostly extinct now. The annix people are what you would call magical. No, we are not like your other mythical creatures like the vampire, werewolf, fairy or witch. What we really are is escaped angels, from the kingdom of God.

Emrys paused as he allowed Waverly time to process what he was saying. The main problem with being an annix was no human had ever heard of such a creature. If he were a vampire, this would have been maybe a tiny bit easier. At least then Waverly would have something to relate to. Thus making the situation ten times harder for her to believe.

"Many thousands of years ago, two angels of God were in love. When they confronted the Lord about their love, he rejected their situation. He said that the people of God (humans) were their top priority. Loving one another would get in the way of that.

After hearing the news, the couple were separated and put on opposite sides of heaven never to see one another again. The angels were in such grief and sadness that their loneliness was even affecting the humans. The separated lovers were causing freaks of nature down on earth. Anything from earthquakes to metro showers. Their love was so powerful if separated any longer they would destroy the earth.

God was immensely trouble. The only solution was to reunite the lovers. God wanted to do this discreetly. He didn't what other angels to find out. Otherwise, they would sway from their post of looking after the humans to finding love.

God called the lovers both to his throne and gave them the news....but it wasn't all good news. They would be leaving heaven and going to earth. But there was a catch...they would be recreated into human babies and erased of all memories of heaven and their past life, until the age of twenty. God reassured them that they would find each other when the time was right. They hearts would only ever beat for the other, God informed them.

Of course, the lovers had some advantages within their human forms. By the age of twenty-five both angels would progressive slowdown in age until it was so slow that they only aged one human year every century. They also had the advantage of having offspring being human and all. Thus the beginning of my race." Emrys waited an attentive minute before speaking again. " still think I'm crazy?" he cringed at the pathetic tone in his voice. He wanted her to stay so badly.

Could anyone be this crazy to make up a whole detailed story? One thing after another today, was the world out to get her? She had so many questions racing through her head, but she could only muster one.

"Why are you telling me this." The question had fallen from her lips before she managed to stop it.

He pondered for a while before answering. He wanted to make the next thing he said less insane to everything else. "Because we're destined to be together." But now, like everything else he said sounded strange and farfetched. He could have worded that differently, but he couldn't stop it from tumbling out of his mouth.

Waverly gave an exasperated laugh in his direction before speaking. "Your nuts, I can't believe I made out with a crazy guy," she said more to herself than to him. "Alright....I just met you how the hell is that even possible?" she was about to get up, but his voice froze her in her tracks.

"Waverly, you and I both know something, which you chose to ignore, you decided to hide from because you're too scared to submit to the possibility of something out of the ordinary." Emrys was desperate, he needed her to stay with him. He couldn't let her go again, with everything he had he needed to try and make her see reason.

"Yes, because things out of the ordinary happen all the time, Emrys! That is why we have the words ordinary and unordinary because nothing unordinary is ordinary! So, sorry if I can't accept the fact that you may be part of an ancient race or the fact that I nearly got kidnapped today! It's a lot to absorb in one day.... I just want to go home." She was so angry before her rant, he was so thoughtless as to what she was feeling, he didn't even bring up the fact that she got kidnapped today. Maybe there was an ancient angle race, she had always believed in mythical beings. But this all today, it's a lot for a person to take in.

He stood there in utter shock. He had made her snap. His patient, gentle angel, had cracked, and she broke in front of him. He completely forgot about her being kidnapped. He was so anxious to tell her about his race that he forgot to see if she was feeling ok. He screwed up, and he screwed up badly. He watched as she got up from the couch and walked to the door. With one final glance over her shoulder, she existed the old and cosy cabin and stepped into the cold and rainy world. He snapped out of his trance and realised she had no way of going home. He didn't want her getting sick. She was prone to getting sick and getting sick badly.

He grabbed his keys and ran to the door maybe he could catch her. As he pulled open the door he didn't expect her to be directly in front of him on the other side. "You have no way of going home, please let me drive you."

"No, that's ok I'll find my way home."

"Please the last thing I want you to do is catch a cold. At least take my car."

"When would I ever give it back to you though?"

"I'll collect it don't worry. Go home take a warm shower, rug up and go to bed. And please think about what I told you. I know, you know that I'm not a crazy person. As much as you want to believe it, you can't, so please think about it, if you have any questions go to the house across from you and knock on the door. That's where you'll find the answers.

So Waverly made her way in the car and drove off. The fate of their relationship was in her hands. Would she believe him or ignore him? The moment she parked his car in her driveway, she shattered into a million pieces and cried. The weight of today had finally fallen on her like a ton of bricks. It was there, in the car that she cried herself to sleep.

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