Day one

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Ghost, Soap and König had some free time, probably for 2 weeks because of the mission they went to.
It was a a pathetically planned action but they did come back alive, unlike the team they went with...
Price told them they'll have to share a cabin because of the injuries, so it will be easier for the medic's to come and get all of them checked up.

König pov :

-"Please tell me this is a fucking joke Price"- Ghost said - "Can't I just stay alone like I always did?"
-"Unfortunately Ghost, but that is my final decision to help the medic's"
-"Fuck you"

Why is he so mad? It's only for two weeks... Shit... I need to eat something

-"König? You alright mate?"
-"S-Soap? A-ah yes everythings good sergeant"
-"Good, anyway, they've serving some food now, you comin'?"
-"Y-yes sir!"
-"Great, see ya there"

Fuck... I can't possibly act soft in the base all the time, that just makes me look like a puppy. I need to suck some blood... Well let's hope Ghosts and Soaps wounds aren't that deep, I could barely hold on when we where in the field... I guess Soaps type is 0+ and Ghosts 0-, my favourites; They are alike but somehow different, even when it comes to blood

|At lunch|

Ghosts pov :

Fucking hell... Price you dumb bitch, didn't you remember that I wear a mask for a reason? And this two fucking idiots may be able to see me without it.

-"Evening LT"
-"Evening Soap"
-"So since we are going to be roommates for... A while... Why don't you show us your face" Soap said pointing at himself and König
-"In your dreams, sergeant"
-"Oh come on, don't be a brat"
-"You're the one acting like a brat Johnny"
-"He's right Ghost, you kind of act like a brat now" König said
-"Fuck off will ya?" I said as I move my mask to my nose
-"Good god you will have a big ass scar" Said soap
-"Have you looked at yourself? You have a wound on your lips going up on your cheek" Johnny Explained

What? There's no way it's that big I don't feel any pain from it... Wait why the fuck is König covering his mouth?

König pov :

Shit... It smells so good... König for fuck sake stop it, they might find out

-"I'll go tell the medic's"
-"Don't" Ghost quickly said "I'll take care of it myself, now eat something, you two haven't touch food or water in the past 4 days"
-"Yeah you're right, Come on König let's get something to eat"
-"Yes sergeant"

Soap pov :

Ghost really is acting like a fucking brat... Whatever.

*Takes a tray with food and hands it to König*

-"Go sit down with Ghost I'll be back in a minute"
-"Yes sir." König said as he walked away

*I walked out of the food tent and went to our room to get a plaster and come back*

-"Hey you big baby, look here so I can put a plaster on that wound of yours"
-"Fuck off Soap" ghost said as he placed his mask on his face again
-"We're doing it the hard way then..." I said as I took both of his hands on his back and called König to hold him
-"Shut up LT, I'm here already so stop bratting about it" he went quiet after I lifted his mask a little and putted the plaster on his wound
-"You know you have to get Stitches for this wound right? It's so fucking big"
-"whatever..." Ghost said, he sounded kinda... Flustered? No there is no way Ghost could be nervous from us, could he...?

König pov :

I let go of Ghost and can hear his heart beat going faster, did he got nervous because of us? I can't be so sure about it because we can't see his face but the fact that he got so quiet all of a sudden makes me wonder, could he be flustered?

-"König you good?"
-"Hm? Ah yes sergeant Alles gut"
-"good to know, I'm going back to our room, see you all there"
-"Yes sir..." Said Ghost... God he really does sound nervous...

Ghost pov :

God what is happening why am I nervous like that? That forceful but also soft and gentle touch of König, and that precise and perfect hands of Soap... God no stop fucking thinking like that you whore, they can't know you're gay... That's pathetic.

I start to walk away but feel a gentle grab on my waist and immediately turn around to see Königs hand and I kinda calm down?

-"You need something König?" I said still not realising König didn't take his hand back and I kind of leaned into the touch
-"Why are you so tensed LT? Me and Soap won't laugh at you when we see your face, so you don't have to worry about it."
-"It's not about you, it's about my past. Now l-let me go"
  Fucking god why did I stutter?
-König giggled as he knew I just realized he had his hand on my waist "Here you go LT, see you in our room Liebling"
-"English König"
-"I'm good"
-"Whatever" I said as I turned around and went into our room

|In the room|

Ghost pov :

Soap is taking a shower? God I wonder how godly he must look like...

Okey calm down...

"There's no one in the room you can take your mask off..."
I think to myself as I take my mask off
Good god this is a lovely feeling

-"Ghost?" SHIT I didn't realise he was out of the shower and I turned around to face him without my mask
-"S-Soap?!" Oh my fucking god he only has a towel around his waist omg...
-"Well aren't you a handsome fucker" he said while giggling and I just standing there frightened
-"S-stop it..." I say as I hide my face in my hands

Soaps pov :

There is no way I'm just seeing Simon blushing. I can't say that he isn't handsome, that dude is drop gorgeous but he looks like a dominant top and acts like a bottom submissive brat with me and König...
Or maybe not just us?

-"Well now you don't have to be scared of now wearing you mask around us"
-"König didn't see me yet so no"
-"I did in fact see you" Wait where did he came into the room?
-"I-..." Ghost blushed harder and buried his face in his pillow
-"And as Soap said you are indeed handsome"
-"S-stop it..."

König pov :

I can't believe my own eyes, I'm seeing LT, Ghost, Blush. Oh but how gorgeous he does look like.

I sit on his bed and place my hand on his back while he is lying down on his stomach and I slowly start massaging him.

-"You need to be less tensed LT, did you ever had a massage before?
-"No, I haven't... I don't really like physical touch"
-"You don't seem to mind mine touch tho, do you know why is that?"
-"I d-dont, please can w-we ouch... End this topic?" Ghost said and gave up in his body completely succumbing to touch of Königs hands
-"Sure" said Soap

Oh how lovely he looks like...
I lie down next to Ghost as I see that he falled asleep, I guess he is a fast sleeper.
I cuddle up myself to him.

-"You want to join?" I said to Soap
-"Sure, but I need to move a bed next to you so all of us can fit."
-"no problem, just quietly please, we don't want to wake him up, do we?"
-"Don't worry I will try" Soap said and began to move his bed.

When he was done he lied down and cuddled up to ghost.

-"god he is beautiful..."
-"he really is Soap, now let's go to sleep we might have to wake up early tomorrow"
-"Night König"
-"Good night, Soap."

Author note
So I know it's short as fuck because it's only 1360 words but it's my first fanfic, I have a fever, it's currently 4am and English isn't my first language.
Well if you like it please comment you want more and tell me some of your ideas please <3

He has fangs, they don't.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt