Day Five

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(started writing this in my math class lol)

Ghost pov :

I wake up, as usual around 6 a.m.
Soap is next to me, and is cuddled up, König sadly is no where to be seen...
I forgot he was picked to go to a mission...
Hope he'll be back soon.

-"What're you thinking about Ghost?'' Soap suddenly spoke
-"Hm? Ah nothin' to worry abou Soap, just about König and... Our night..."
-"I'm sure he liked it, because I surely did"
-"It's not about him liking to fuck me or not, it's about my reputation and ways I live to have someone I'm dating or sleeping with..."
-"Ways you live? We all live the same life LT, and I know you have not experienced a good relationship with anybody in your life, but I can assure you Me and König will show you what love looks like"
-"Come on, speak to me"
-"Thank you, Soap"
-"No problem Love" Soap smiled and kissed me.


-"We should get dressed and get breakfast" I broke the silence
-"Yea, sounds good, and remember we have to train some newbies today again"
-"Fuuuck, I've forgot, hate the newbies "
-"Ay don't get too emotional for them, and try not to kill any of them today too"
-"Can't promise"
-"Not to me, I don't give a shit, but I've promised Price everyone will be alive"
-"Your problem"
-"Don't get bratty with me Simon" Soap said and hugged me from behind, and then He bit me on the neck
-"Fuck off will ya? I'm tryin' to get ready"
-"Promise everyone will stay alive?"
-"Fine, promise."
-"Good boy~"

Ohhh... Bloody hell... Why am I frustrated?!

-"Shut it, and get ready, I'm heading out"
-"I can see you are flustered Ghost."
-"Fuck off" And Soap just laughed
-" Alright fine, go eat"

Location : Cafeteria

I've got myself a tray with tea, some English muffins, two hard boiled eggs and some bacon-like thing.
I sat down in the corner, and watched the door waiting for Soap, around 5 minutes later he showed up took the same food as me and sat down.

-"You done bratting around now?"
-"I wasn't bratting, just sharing my own opinion"
-"So bratting"
-"I see you're done, and wanted to tell you Price said that we can train newbies again at any time we want"
-"We can go after breakfast"
-"Sounds good to me"

We ate and left the Cafeteria.

Location : Training field
Time : 8:07 am

-"Where's the rest of ya? Hubert?"
-"There are 19 people here currently, the rest was punished by Captain Price, and they have to clean all bathrooms by noon" Hubert, the newbie said. (All newbies are required to wear visible name tags around the base)
-"Inform them, that because they didn't show up, they will have another punishment." I said
-"Yes sir!" And Hubert was back in line

Soap just standing behind Ghost.

-"Alright, the warm up is the same as yesterday"...

Time skip : 7 hours later. Currently 3:14pm

-"I hate them all"
-"Couldn't agree more, they were useless today" Soap said
-"I bet not only today, they will be useless for the next months..."
-"Let's end this talk, I hate to talk about our orders and missions"
-"That one blonde looked promising even"
-"From a 20 people group? Yeah that won't do him good"


-"I'm hungry"
-"Lunch should be served for another 30 minutes, let's go" Soap stand up and he gave me his hand

We walked into the cafeteria, ate and walked out.

-"I'm gonna go train, wanna join?"
-"Nah sorry Soap, but my knee is kinda itching, wanna get that check with the medics"
-"Ok sure, see you in the evening"
-"Yea see ya"

Location : medics tent

-"Shit- hurts as if I just got shot"
-"You did got shot Ghost, the bullet is in your knee, how did you manage to walk with it all week?" A medic said
-"I've been running with it, no Biggie"
-"I will never understand the pain tolerance that the special forces have, it's not human..."
-"Can I go? Have things to do"
-"No! I need to cut you me knee open, take the bullet out, and sew you up again"
-"You don't have to, just give me a pain killer and I will be off."
-"Just lie down, it will take 30 minutes"

I sighed and lied down, the medic gave me anesthesia, and did what he was supposed to.

-"And no running of any other hard work"
-"Can't promise that"
-"You should, now get lost I prescribed you some painkillers if you desire"
-"Thanks for taking it out!" I said as I walked out of the tent.

That bitch lied to me... It's 7pm now and it was supposed to take 30 minutes not fucking 4 hours...

It's hard to walk with stitches, I can tell you.

Location : Their bedroom

-"Evening Johnny"
-"Finally you're here, thought they killed you"
-"Almost did, I had a bullet in my knee, they took it out."
-"Holy shit how did you manage to run with that yesterday?"
-"I don't know, but that's probably what triggered the pain in it"
-"I guess you might be correct. Can we take a shower together today too?"
-"You want to touch me so badly?''
-"I do, bloody hell I do''
-"Ok, I'll get my towel and will be back with you"
-"Sure, go I'll wait."

After 6 minutes Soap returned with his towel, also caring mine, and went in the shower with me.

-"You are so fucking handsome and pretty I will start getting complexes"
-"You're beautiful yourself Johnny"
-"Thanks Simon, want me to clean your back?"
-"Would appreciate it honestly, just be careful I have a very sensitive back"
-"Sure sure just relax"

I leaned into his touch closing my eyes.


-"Sorry, don't be such a softie you ran miles yesterday with a bullet in your knee"
-"Get over it"
-"Never" Johnny said and bit my neck on the very back.
I put my hand on my mouth trying to stifle a moan.
-"Feels good Si?"
-"S-shut it, y-yes it does..."
I whined as he bit harder and changed the place as the first one felt cold on my skin now.

Placing his hand on my throat and the other on my cock he began to slowly move it in his own rhythm as I threw my head back from the sudden wave of pleasure.

-"Shit John-"
-"Shhh it's all good princess it's all fine..."
He said and increased speed
-"J-John stop biting me ther- mgh-"
-"Feels good doesn't it?"
-"Use your words Si" Johnny stopped
-"Y-yes yes it does please" I whined.
-"That's better now isn't it?" And he started again.

He done this a few more times and I finally came, it's not that I liked it but probably half of the base heard me at that moment.

We were done after another 30 minutes of the actual shower, in which Johnny had to help me clean myself up because my knees gave up.

He helped me to dry out and then done it himself, he took me to bed and gave me my clothes. Well not really mine their clothes but still. He changed himself and lied down beside me.

-"Night you bitchy brat"
-"Good night to you to Soap, and hug me, this shitty hole is cold"
He did
-"That's good?"
-"Love you"
-"Sure... Sleep already"
-"Bloody Jesus ok..."

And we both fell asleep.


Sorry it's so fucking short, word count - 962. (Actually now it's 1300)
I didn't have more ideas for this part, or the next one so you are more than welcome to comment your ideas!

Hope you liked it!

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