Day two

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Ghost pov :

It's so warm... Damn, and why is it so tightly here...
And then I opened my eyes.
König and Soap?!
Why are they here, w-why are we sleeping on the same bed, how did we ended up like this? We weren't drunk last night...

-"You alright Liebling"
-"König w-why are we in bed together? And where's my mask?"
-"Relax gorgeous, you feel asleep cuddled up on my arm so I just lied down and slept here and as for Soap he just wanted to cuddle"
-"Yea I did wanted to cuddle" Soap approved

WTF is happening?!

-"let me get out of here I have things to do today" I said while I tried to stand up
-"Not so fast princess" König said and pushed me harder into his chest making it literally impossible to get out
-"König you son of a bitch"
-"Don't be rude Simon" Soap told me
-"I-... Just l-let me go..."
-"Five more minutes please?" König said
-"Fine" and I cuddled back to the touch Soap and König were giving me.

It felt... Nice? But i also feel like that makes me a fucking softie and I don't like it.

-"Ouch- König you bastard did you just bit me? And why the fuck are your teeth so sharp?"

König pov :

-"sorry LT can't help it" Fuck... I might not be able to hold on any longer I have to bite someone... Maybe it's better to tell them now?
-"Lt, sergeant?"
-"Yes?" Both of them said at the same time
-"I know it might be very hard to believe but... I need to bite one of you, I'm really hungry"
-"What? That doesn't make sense König, there'll be breakfast at 7am and it's 6am you can wait a little" Soap told me
-"No Soap you don't understand, not that type of hunger. I'm... I am a vampire, that's why I hide my face."
-"Wait... What?! Vampires aren't real König what are you talking about" Ghost said

I lift my mask up, because I forgot to take it off yesterday, and show them my teeth

-"Holy shit... You seeing this too?"
-"Yes... Mother fucker..." Soap said and I laugh
-"So... Can I bite one of you? Nothing will happen I promise it won't hurt"
-"Yea sure fuck it..." Ghost said and placed my hand on his neck
-"Go for it"
I smile and gently bite in his neck, god this tastes better than anything else in this world...
-"I'm done, it didn't hurt that much did it?"
-"A l-little yeah..."
-"Don't worry it will be healed by the end of the day"
-"Yea I hope so"
-"Okey let's get ready it's pretty late" I say
-"Okey, come on" Soap said and let go off Ghost
Then we all just got up and changed our clothes.

Ghost pov :

-"im done, see you at breakfast."
-"Mhm see ya" Soap said

I walked out of our room and went to Prices office.

-"Mornin' Price"
-"Morning Ghost, why are you here?"
-"Just wanted to know when will I have an one person room"
-"Come one Ghost, König and Soap aren't that bad, and you could use a little company"

The fuck that's supposed to mean?

-"Price you know the best of all these people that I hate having company and prefer to do everything alone"
-"Ghost, stop it, I'm not moving your room and if that's the only thing you want from me, then leave please"
-"I want to discuss our last mission, also."
-"We'll do that after breakfast, come on, the food is about to be served"

|Food tent|

-"Oh Guten Morgen LT"
-"Morning Ghost" Soap said

The tables were for 4 people max so the rest of the 141 team and some other soldiers were sitting at different tabled, and this trio was known for sitting at the table that was the most distant from the rest of the tables.

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