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Just wanted to let you know there will be a chapter named "whole work" with Fixed grammar and well everything in one place. Of course when I'm done with the whole fic...

Oh and the story is already 11 thousand words long! So exciting! (Milenial core)

Stuff that happened to me since I started writing this fic (ao3 writer curse is after me idk why) :

-I've been in the hospital
-i didn't get accepted to my dream school
-i found out that I have 20/20 vision and very good hearing
-also found out that my lumbar disc in the spine may fall out
-it turned out that school was shit
-didn't get anywhere else
-finally got accepted into my new school
-the school is fine
-i hate it tho
-i singed up for Shooting club (from guns)
-it turned out I'm good at it
-Almost  didn't pass the first term
-it was new years and I almost got shot with a fire work
-month later I had the winter break where I almost broke my back on a  snowboard
-i got bitten by a dog after I came back home

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