Chapter 4

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(^This is the song I took inspiration from!!^)
Please ignore any grammar or spelling errors I might have made. Besides that enjoy your read!

There, in the doorway stood the reason why I'm about to get executed

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There, in the doorway stood the reason why I'm about to get executed. I don't blame the child, but my opinion is wavering as I approach my final last moments. I could tell that the woman's face dropped. She took a long stride away from me, closer to the boy. "Young master, what are you doing here?" She finally spoke with shock clearly laced in her voice.

Jay then sprints closer towards me. Dodging her attempt to stop him. Jay got in front of me facing towards the woman. He held his small arms up as an attempt to block her.

"YOUNG MASTER, you know your father doesn't allow you down here!" A new man spoke leading for support on the door. Panting, which I assume is from chasing the little boy here. He was wearing some simple dress shoes, black suit, white button up and a black tie. His hair was pitch black and a scar laid underneath one of his eyes. "I know uncle yongie but auntie is hurting her." said the small boy in a teary tone.

"Jay, your dad told you already, she's no one to you." The man's demeanor changed from a gentle one to a dark one, sending me a dirty look. I'm not too sure about that because my eyes were having a hard time adjusting. I think I have a minor concussion. Plus the bleeding out might be adding to the dizziness. But who knows.

"I know. But she's going be my momma!" Jay said, determined. "Young master, it's time for you to go." The woman finally spoke up again. She approaches him, reaching out to pick him up. But Youngjae had other plans as he let out an ear piercing scream.

That woke me up right away.

I was losing consciousness from all the blood loss. "NO I DON'T WANT TOO!" he yelled at her as he turned to hug my tie up legs. Holding on for dear life as she tried to pull him off. "No no no." He kept chanting as both the man and the woman tried pulling him off.

You should never underestimate a toddler's strength. They will win whether you like it or not.

"Young master!" The man speaks after what seemed like ten minutes of trying to pry Jay off. " If you don't let go, I'll have no choice but to call your father." He threatened, clearly out of breath. But the threat fell onto deaf ears. "I DON'T CARE!" Jay yelled at him as he rubbed his cheek against my leg. Which is covered in blood. Definitely not the best thing to rub your face on.

The man lets out a frustrated sigh. "JUNGWOO!"

A couple seconds later a tall man comes into the doorway wearing the same thing as the other guy. " Yes sir?" He asks his shocked eyes lingering on the chaos in front of him before turning to the other man. His face changed into a blank expression. "Call Jaehyun," The man said, defeated. The Jungwoo guy was taken aback. "Are you sure?" He was clearly cautious of this demand. "Yes!" The Yongie guy snapped. Jungwoo just nodded. "Ok sir. What for?" The guy sighed looking down at Youngjae.

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