Chapter 5

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please ignore any grammar or spelling errors and enjoy your read. :)
(Please keep in mind that I did revise this chapter as much as I regularly do! So please excuse any major errors.)

Jaehyun's POV

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Jaehyun's POV

The beginning

It's too early for this

Johnny really made me bring Jay out for a drive this early in the morning. Just because he's too busy with work that he can't do it himself. The man is so invested in finding the shipment the Hong Kong sector lost that he can't comfort his own son. Poor boy just wants his father's attention.

I recall what he said an hour earlier.

I rushed through the estate trying to get to the room. The maids had come to get me moments ago saying Youngjae had woken up from one of his nightmares. They've become more frequent now.

As I approached the door I heard the cries and pleading for his dad. I took a deep breath before entering the room. There on the bed, too big for a child, sat the boy. He had his maids and nannies surrounding him. They were trying to console the hysterical boy.

The boy turned to me as he heard the door open. "Uncle Hyunie" he sobs. He jumped off the bed running towards me. His small body crashes into my legs as he hugs them. I pick him up into my arms and try consoling him myself.

"What's wrong, buddy?" I asked him. Rubbing a comforting hand up and down his back. The boy just hid his face on my shoulder. He didn't answer and I didn't pry. I just let him cry until he stops on his own.

I stood there with him in my arms as I instructed everyone still in the room. "You all can leave. I can handle it from here." They gave their small bows and left. I sat on the bed with the boy still snuggled in my arms. A few minutes passed by when I finally asked again.

"Mind telling me what's wrong bud?" I asked him as sweetly as possible. He shook his head and dug his face more into my shoulder. I sighed "Uncle Hyunie can't help if you won't speak, Youngjae." I said prying a bit.

He turned his head away from me before speaking in a quiet voice. "I want daddy." I sighed at that. "I'm sorry Jay but your father is busy right now." He didn't respond to that. I knew he was upset about it. I thought for a second before speaking again.

"Okay fine." I spoke defeated. "Let's go see your dad." The boy just nodded. I knew he was still upset but he was happy to see his dad. I stood up with the boy in hand and made my way to the door.

I stepped out of the room and made my way to the east wing of the estate. Our walk there was silent. The boy seemed to be cheering up a little as we got closer to his father's office. The guards opened the doors leading to the east wing.

The wing was silent until angry yells started coming from the door at the far end of the long hallway. Making the boy in my arms lift his head up. Soon after something was heard breaking and a man stumbled out of the room into the hallway.

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