For Two

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Fyodor blinked his eyes open and stared up at the ceiling. It was light out. He turned his head to the side and saw Nikolai still asleep next to him. He smiled and reached out to stroke the other man's hair before getting out of bed.

He padded downstairs and into the kitchen. He started the kettle for tea and put some bread in the toaster. He leaned against the counter and waited for the kettle to boil. His mind drifted back to last night.

He and Nikolai had been together for a little over a year now. It had been a passionate and intense relationship from the start. They were always drawn to each other, touching and kissing whenever they had the chance.

He smiled as he poured the boiling water into the teapot. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with Nikolai. He knew that there was nothing that could ever come between them.

Fyodor walked up the stairs with a tray of food in hand putting it down in front of the Jester.

Fyodor smiled as Nikolai leaned in to give him a kiss, his eyes closed and a thankful expression on his face. 'Thank you for making breakfast,' Nikolai whispered, his lips brushing against Fyodor's. 'You didn't have to do that.'

'I know,' Fyodor replied, his eyes still closed as he enjoyed the moment. 'But I wanted to.'

He then opened his eyes and saw the tray of dirty dishes that needed to be washed downstairs. 'I'll get these,' he said, grabbing the tray and heading towards the door.

'I'll help you,' Nikolai offered, but Fyodor shook his head.

'No, you've done enough already. I can take care of this. Plus, I don't think you would be able to get up.'

Fyodor then descended the stairs, a smile on his face as he thought about Nikolai's kiss. It was something he cherished and would always remember.

'Hey, Nikolai,' Fyodor said as he walked into the kitchen. 'How're your legs doing?'

Nikolai winced as he limped behind him. 'It's alright. Just a little sore from last night.'

'Yeah, I bet,' Fyodor said with a chuckle.

Last night had been quite a night for the two of them.

'Well, I'm going to wash these dishes and then we can go back upstairs and take a nap, okay?'

'Sounds good to me,' Nikolai said with a smile.

Fyodor started washing the dishes while Nikolai sat at the table and watched. It was nice just to be able to relax and be with each other. After a few minutes, Nikolai got up and limped over to where Fyodor was. He wrapped his arms around him from behind and kissed his neck.

'I love you, Fedya.'

'I love you too, Kolya.'

After Fyodor had finished the dishes, he and Nikolai had started walking up the stairs as Fyodor looked back, he could see the pain in Nikolai's eyes as he attempted to take each step, so Fyodor wrapped his arm around Nikolai's waist and helped him up the stairs. Nikolai smiled gratefully and leaned into Fyodor's strong body.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Fyodor guided Nikolai into his bedroom and helped him into the bed. Nikolai sighed in relief as he settled under the covers. Fyodor kissed Nikolai gently on the forehead before lying down next to him. Nikolai snuggled up against Fyodor and soon fell asleep.

Fyodor stroked Nikolai's hair lightly as he watched him sleep. He was so grateful that Nikolai had come into his life. He knew that they would face many challenges together, but he was ready for anything as long as he had Nikolai by his side.

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