The Undead King

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Credits to @_4tsushi they helped me so much on this and I appreciate it a lot! Go check out their fanfic as well it's amazing and really well written!


Fyodor and Nikolai were cuddling in bed together, enjoying the warmth and closeness of each other. They were content just to lay there in each other's arms, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, Nikolai broke the silence. 'I love you, Fedya,' he said, looking into his partner's eyes.

Fyodor was surprised, but he could see the sincerity in Nikolai's gaze. 'I love you too,' he replied, feeling his own emotions welling up. Fyodor yawned as he got out of bed, stretching his arms above his head. He turned to look at Nikolai, who was watching him with a smile.

Time Skip

"Boo!" Nikolai yelled as he appeared behind Sigma, causing him to flinch and jolt up in fear.

"gah! next time give me a warning before you do that..." sigma groaned, rubbing his temple in frustration. Fyodor chuckled at the situation unfolding in front of him, Nikolai turned to him in total admiration admiring his lover's chuckle. "Wow! Your laugh is so... adorable." He coos, trying to tease Fyodor. Fyodor gave him a small smile, appreciating Nikolai's love for him.

A loud intrusion caused the three to suddenly turn their attention to the grand doors of their conference room, "Alright... alright, now let's get down to business." Fukuchi's raspy voice called out. Sigma and Nikolai scramble to their seats while Fyodor quietly takes his seat next to Nikolai, carefully resting his hand on Nikolai's leg. Fukuchi grabs Bram's coffin and sets it in the corner of the conference room.

Ivan watches from afar, he's merely Fyodor's servant or pawn -- but he doesn't seem to care either way.

Before Fukuchi could say another word, Bram coughed, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. 'I request the thing thou call a 'radio' for my sleeping chambers.' Bram said, clearly annoyed, Fukuchi turned around and slammed Brams's coffin shut, a loud Bang echoing throughout the room.

Upon Fukuchi slamming Bram's coffin shut a loud hiss can be heard from inside.

Everyone looked at the coffin, seeing a small chunk of hair sticking out. Fukuchi rolled his eyes as he saw Sigma get up to quickly help Bram. Sigma rushed over to the Coffin and swung it open Bram groaned as he felt the pulling cease. Everyone in the room turned to look at Bram, the room was silent until Nikolai broke into a fit of laughter Ivan giggled alongside him, catching the annoyed eyes of Fukuchi.

Sigma carefully closed the coffin and headed back to his seat, Fukuchi coughs attracting the attention back to himself 'Anyways, as we continue to move forward with our plan, we shall be using Bram to turn people into his kin to control mankind.' Everyone turned to look at Bram's coffin as they heard him groan again. Fukuchi brings his hand up to rub his temple, sighing in annoyance. 'Okay you know what? Meeting over... Fyodor, Nikolai, take Bram home with you. I'm too lazy, not to mention annoyed with him.' Fukuchi sighed and walked out of the room leaving the rest of the DOA sitting there, Nikolai was the first to speak 'Hey Sigma why don't you go check on Bram?'

Sigma nods and quietly makes his way over to Bram's coffin, opening it softly so as to not startle the poor man. As Sigma opens the coffin Bram looks up at him with tired eyes, waiting for him to start a conversation. 'I... uh... Nikolai and Fyodor are going to take you home with them..' Bram says not a word, and only closes his eyes in response leaving a frantic Sigma. Nikolai strides over to Sigma and Bram and shuts the coffin closed, 'We'll take it from here thank you!!' he says with a closed smile.

Nikolai huddles everyone close and enfolds them in his cloak, transferring them to the front of Fyodor and Nikolai's shared house.

Fyodor and Nikolai walked upstairs to their bedroom leaving Bram and Sigma downstairs by themselves, Sigma watched them go up the stairs then turned to look at Bram. 'Hey Bram?' Sigma asked anxiety swelling up inside him, Bram turned to look at Sigma, a look of curiosity spreading across his face. 'What dost thou need?' Bram said, still staring at Sigma. 'Have you ever had ice cream?' Sigma bit his cheek anxiously, awaiting an answer.

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