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I'm sorry this isn't an actual chapter, but I need to rant so sorry if there's misspelled words or imperfect grammar, I apologize. I'm just really heated!

I'm tired of scrolling through tiktok and seeing the back-and-forth in the HP fandom between the old and new generations when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy. I get it! The characters are all 15-16 years old and I'm pretty sure the game creators weren't expecting for them to have such a large crowd of fans simping over the boys and girls.

WHAT PISSES ME OFF... is the fact that GROWN ASS ADULTS are arguing with CHILDREN over the rights to fawn over FICTIONAL characters! It grates my nerves! I'm 20 years old and happily married for 2 years now (just celebrated the anniversary on the 12th this month🥰) and have 4 furbabies. I'm a proud simp of Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt and Poppy Sweeting and Natsai Onai. They are the best characters to introduce to the HP universe and I wish they were real and I was fifteen again to be their friend. I especially simp a little harder for Sebastian Sallow, I won't lie.

That doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to go out in the real world and prey on a MINOR. I'd rather not catch a case and that's fucking gross; my husband is enough for me, thanks! I have the right to fangirl over a character like anybody else. There are authors out there who write worse about minors and nobody gives a shit and instead actually praises that author for their success on their book until it's about HP characters coming into play and suddenly you're a fucking PREDATOR in sheep's clothing!

I'm being so serious when I say that if I catch ANY hate on my book, or my tiktok account, or my message wall about this, I will block, report and delete your hate from my eyes! I don't give a shit! I'm so sick of it, it's not even funny anymore! The arguing and ridicule I come across social media is affecting my will to write this book, I'm not going to lie.

Thanks for listening to (reading) my TedTalk!😚🙂

Fidelius ⚡️ Hogwarts LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now