Chapter 9

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"So you have never heard of him?" asked Dustin.

"Ugh, nope. Who is he?"

"James Stewart.... Bubba? Ringing any bells?"

I gave him a questioning look and he began to explain.

"Bubba is his nickname and his number is seven. He's a Pro dirt-bike rider. I can't believe you've never heard of him!"

I rolled my eyes at Dustin and walked over to the kitchen to grab a night time bowl of rice cereal. I saw Aunt May sitting at the table with a clear glass of water. Her eyes were gazing out into the velvety gray sky. Clouds hugged the curves of the moon as it's light casted a shadow on the ground far below it.

"How have you been feeling Auntie May?"

She turned her head slightly but didn't look into my eyes. "Oh, I'm fine."

I took a chair next to her and looked out into the open window. The moonlight looked as though the moon threw it's silver dress behind it and let the wind place the light in every corner. The clouds objected to it and blotted the light in some places.

"Well that's good. It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

She sighed deeply and whispered a yes.

"Kylie? Have you had a feeling that you were meant to do something or you were supposed to be some where at a certain time, and if you didn't something wouldn't be right?"

I turned my eyes away from the night to glance at her dark face, "Um, I'm not really sure. I've never felt that important, I guess."

"Oh but Ky you are very important, everyone is, but in different ways."

Silence filled the air between us. There wasn't any other sound coming from the living room meaning that Dustin went to bed. It was just the two of us breathing in the silence. There was almost never silence on the ranch unless everyone was asleep.

I wanted to ask her about Chet's father, Mac, without totally arising suspicion. I wasn't very good at being subtle with words.

 "Aunt May? Can I ask you about a few things?"

"Yeah sweets. What is it?"

"Well I was wondering what you thought about Mac, Chet's father? He seems pretty nice to me."  I hung my head lower and felt completely out of place. I know I need to ask her about it but it didn't feel right.

"He's a good man. He loves his sons very much." She didn't look me in the eyes or question my reasoning.

"Yeah he does. Um, Aunt May, I know I might be bothering you but I have another question."  She only nodded in approval. I only hope she meant that I wasn't being a nuisance and I could ask another question. She seemed to be off in many ways. I began interlocking my fingers and messing with the table cloth.

"Well I've been having odd dreams. They always have your voice telling me the numbers 2897. Do those mean anything to you?" Finishing the most daunting part I peeked through my hair at Aunt May.

"Yes. They mean a lot to me, actually. February 8th 1997. That was the day Alex and I got married."

"Oh." This caused my mind to crunch. What does that have anything to do with me?

"Anything else Kylie?" Aunt May stood up and put her tea cup into the sink before I could tell her an answer. "Good Night."

"Night, Aunt May." As she left the clouds covered most of the moon and it's light. I was left alone in the darkness. I couldn't hear any noise from upstairs which made me remember they had gone to bed awhile ago. I looked at the clock reading 11:19. Wow, Aunt May and I talked longer than I thought.  I started to make my way to the stair case when I heard a creaking noise.

Creeeeek. The wood upstairs sometimes sways because of the tiring weight of an old house. I shrugged it off and stepped up. As I jumped to each step carelessly until I reached a flat plain of wood. Blinking once I saw a whisp of red hair disappear behind the hallway wall. Who would be doing anything but going to sleep at this time of night?When I took a second to think Natalie's name came to mind.  I walked down the hallway trying to locate where ever she is going. I knew she must be some where near because the hall ended ten feet to the right of me. I turned the corner swiftly and saw Natalie sitting in the corner with her eyes open but drooping.


"One day a flower and seed will die,

One night someone will lie.

To see past their mask,

You must find out the awaiting task," She recited whlie her eyes flickered. Sweat was gathering on her fore-head as she meddled with her fingers. I kneeled next to her and looked up with soft eyes.

"Nat you should go back to bed now. I know you might not want to but you should." I studied her eyes, they were cold and blank. At that moment I realized she wasn't awake but sleep walking.

Nat nodded her head as I took her elbow to assist her. She seemed to wobble down the hallway silently. When she was in her bed with the blankets covering part of her chin she sighed.

"Ky, one last thing," she whispered in a raspy voice.

"Sure. What?"

"One day a flower and seed will die,

One night someone will lie.

To see past their mask,

You must find out the awaiting task.

Don't forget the poem," she softly whispered. I simply nodded and watched her eyes roll back into her head as she began to breath deeply.

A/N: Hey guys! Sooo sorry for the long wait but I had to re-write this chapter because I lost it. Thank you to those who are reading. I know it's not the most popular novel but you guys seem to enjoy reading (I hope!) Well don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you.

Your author,



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