Chapter 13

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I went to visit Chet's house every evening that week. It took a lot of effort but I was starting a very slow process. Talking about her and baby seemed to help me but I knew I was no where near being fixed. I couldn't think of the pain Uncle Alex is going through. He lost the love of his life, his one and only. I couldn't imagine seeing the kids in that amount of pain either.  One night Chet and I were talking about the affects of what happened.

"Kylie, it hurts really bad to see you in so much pain. I know you are going through a lot." Chet placed his arm around me.

"I have to deal with my own lost. But I don't know if I could bare seeing the whole family cope with losing those two. It's kind of scary."

"Well I have to agree with Alex for not telling the kids yet, he needs to be in a positive frame of mind to help the kids along with their emotions."

"Ellie, she's going to grow up without a mom. She's going to have to deal with all her teenage years alone! She's going to have to chose a wedding dress without her mom there to tell her that she looks beautiful. Oh and Dustin.... he's going to graduate high school without a mother there to kiss his cheek as he shows her his diploma."

"I'm sure you will be there, not to replace their mom but to support them."

"Yeah, but I'm scared I won't be there."

"Ky, you are the only one who can change that. Make plans to visit or stay here for the summer."

"I guess you're right."

I woke up the next morning knowing I had to do something I was dreading. I didn't want to be the one to tell him, let alone over the phone. I knew I had to call Daniel and tell him about Aunt May. I knew my mother doesn't know about her death either but I think it would be better if Uncle Alex tells her, and I'm not just saying that because I don't want to tell her. Well....

Anyways I decided to call Daniel mid day because I knew that was the time he would possibly answer his phone. I thought he had a right to know as well.

The phone rang twice and he picked up, "Hello pickle-o"

"Uh, hey Daniel," I sounded like I was his girlfriend about to break up with him, good thing I'm not his girlfriend.... that would be horrible he sounded so happy.

"Hey sis! Oh, my god there has been so much going on! I have to tell you everything. So-"

I cut in and knew he had some great news to tell me which would make breaking my bad news to him even worse then it already is. "-Daniel- I need to tell you something first and maybe another day you can tell me your news, okay?"

"Sure Ky. What's goin' on?" He still hadn't picked up on my tone and the way my words were coming out choppy.

In a small voice I began to speak after a pause, "Daniel, I know I should have called you sooner but I needed to get some emotions out of my system before I could talk to you. Something has happened to Aunt May and the baby."

I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone. I turned to face my mirror and guided my eyes up to my face. It was pale and I had dark circle under my eyes. My hair was pulled back in a messy bun to reveal a few zits lining the sides of my face in zig-zags where clumps of makeup must have created them. I knew I was a mess inside and out.

Daniel finally responded, "What kind of something happened?"

"She got in an accidental car crash and ended up, " I paused here afraid of his reaction. But I knew it had to come out sometime so I rushed my words, " dying along with the baby." Before he could say something I added, "I'm really sorry I had to tell you over the phone."

My brother has never cried in front of me or where I could hear him. He keep true to this and after questioning if I was speaking the truth he excused himself with a raspy voice. I knew he was going to be upset but I didn't know that I was going to feel bad as well.

I began to sniffle and some tears came out. But before I got sucked into self pity I wiped them and stood up. You will be okay Kylie and so will Daniel. Everything will be just fine in the end.

 After regaining my composure I started downstairs. I wanted to check up on the kids and Natalie before I headed out to feed the horses. The kids seemed to be in a slump, Lanelle had a horrible temper and Dustin didn't talk to anyone but his horse, Star. Natalie and I were worried about him He has seemed out of character for Dustin lately. He had always been a bubbly kid who loved to hang out with friends and play sports.

One day I found him in the barn which surprised me because he didn't tell anyone where he was going. I heard him speaking to the horse in the barn before I saw him. I stopped to listen in and found it easy to hear him since the metal barn bounced of sound with no struggle even though it was large.

"Star, do you ever wonder where Mom is?" He paused as if expecting an answer but then started talking again. "I want her to come back and I want her to have the baby 'cause I know it made her happy. I want to see Dad again. He's always in his room and I don't know why Mom is at the hospital and he's here. She must be lonely. I would go see her but the place is real far away and I would get tired of walking."

Star pawed at the ground as if to agree. "Ya know, maybe mom will come back tonight. That would be great!"

I ran out of the barn before I heard another word. It made me hurt to hear him so naive. He didn't know that two people in his life are dead and they won't be coming back. I knew it was time to tell the kids but it wasn't my place to tell them.  I waited until Uncle Alex was ready to explain.

Today that day came unexpectedly. The kids, Natalie, and I were in the living room when his door cracked a little bit and then swung fully open to reveal Alex. He had shaved and taken a shower as well as put  some comfortable clothes on. He was rolling his hands together and rubbing his thumbs. I knew this was the time he was going to explain everything to the kids.

He walked close to them and pulled Ellie closer to Dustin. Natalie switched the TV off and stepped into the kitchen. I think she didn't want to apart of a family moment and felt like she was intruding.  I placed myself behind Alex when he knelt down to the kids' level.

"Dustin, Ellie, I love you so much. Nothing would change that either. I'm sorry that I haven't come out of my room for awhile but I had to take care of somethings." I looked to the kids and noticed Ellie had her hands wrapped in each other behind her back. Dustin was still as could be and didn't move.

"You mother and sibling got in a car crash a bit ago. They aren't going to come back from the hospital because, they passed away. They are in Heaven together waiting for us." He didn't shy away from the words like I had when I told Daniel. He kept eye contact with both of them while he was talking. He seemed to look stronger than he has ever. There was a sense of reassurance in his voice that calmed my worries. The kids reacted differently then I thought. Ellie ran into her dad's arms with tears in her eyes and lips quivering. Dustin stood there with tears in his eyes as he ran outside. Natalie was about to chase after him but I held her back.

"He needs some time alone with Star."

While holding Ellie, Uncle Alex whispered, "I will talk to him later when he's feeling better."

I knew Dustin felt angry and sad. I had a feeling he was trying to be strong like Daniel always did and has, for that matter. I could tell Uncle Alex understood how Dustin was feeling by how Alex had handled Aunt May's death, stuck in his room.  He told both Natalie and I to do the best we can for the kids along with a sweet thank you I felt I didn't deserve.

Hey Readers! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I hope you all still read and aren't too mad. I also hope you all enjoy this chapter! It was bitter-sweet to write.

Your Author, Silent

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