mha AU #1(NOT MY AU)

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A/N: i saw this one AU on tumblr where UA was a s**ty public school and i thought it was cool, this AU is not mine, all the credit goes to the original poster(i also took out the ships i don't like and replaced them with ships i do like so sorry if you wanted to see some of the ships in the original post)(oh and i copypasted pretty much everything)

ms. joke and aizawa are dating, they tried hiding it at first but everyone knows(mostly because they've f**ked in the dressing room behind the stage more times than anyone can count) and they haven't been fired because they've been at this school forever and it's pretty much impossible to replace teachers in this s**thole(i was going to replace this line with "hellhole" but this was funny)

Bakugo is never at school because he's always picking fights and getting in-school-suspension, the rest of Bakusquad always tried to join him, In the first week of school, he was asked to read from a textbook and got so mad he threw a desk at the teacher, and he's still somehow making Straight-As?

All Might is the wrestling coach, but also a history teacher who never teaches history, just puts on movies like 300 and Gladiator

Midnight is the assistant nurse to recovery girl, but everyone is more than certain she has zero medical training and has absolutely no business being a nurse, They could come in with a common sore throat or a straight-up broken arm but she sends everyone home with a condom, yes even the teachers, All Might came in for a headache once and she said "You know the best way to relieve a headache?" and just slides him a neon yellow condom with a wink. His face turns red and he leaves.

Tenya waits outside the school for it to open, he Usually gets whirlie-swirlies and wedgies from jocks and ends up becoming Deku's best friend because of the bullying, Together they convince Kirishima, captain of the football team, to help them He gives all of them a stern talking to about how un-cool it is to bully people

Ochako is always late to class because she stops at Starbucks every single morning, and occasionally ignores how loud she is when she's eating hot cheetos in the middle of a lesson 

Tsuyu is a VSCO girl, the scrunchie queen, who has never used a straw a day in her life, never to be seen without her hydroflask

Tokoyami and Shinsou are both e-boys and hang out together sometimes, have done many video collabs

Jirou is an e-girl, her best friend is the local soft pink aesthetic girl Momo, and they smoke pot in the bathrooms together

Sero is the school's drug dealer, he can get you anything you ask for, Everyone knows he sells Kaminari oregano though

One day Denki comes into school, smelling like burnt spaghetti sauce, acting stupider than usual, eyes red "What the hell is your problem" "ohhh yeahhhh Sero got me some of that good good shit, I'm high as a motherfuck right now, I think I see Jesus!"

Aizawa overhears him and sends him to the nurse's office for a drug test and it comes back negative Midnight starts to lecture him about how he got "lucky" this time and she doesn't want to see him back here for this reason again "YOU'RE NOT EVEN A REAL NURSE!" she handed him a condom and just told him to go

Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero all sit together and copy off of each other during tests, none of them are sure how they're failing

Nezu is not only the principal but also the school mascot and takes one job much more seriously than the other

Monoma was voted most likely to shoot up the school

vlad is the sports teacher that makes everyone die in PE 'cause no one can make it to the end of the class without dying due to a lack of oxygen

Deku is president of the anime club

everyone thought todoroki was a stuck-up bastard when he first came here so he doesn't have a lot of friends but after a week of the deku squad treating him like a person he went up to them and was like "i'm not sure how this works but you guys are going to be my friends now" and they've been hanging out ever since

now for my own headcanons!

shoji is the quiet kid that everyone thinks is going to kill everyone if he gets pissed off so they don't talk to him

he's from a dangerous neighborhood where ambulances don't even go in so you have to wait outside the neighborhood bounds to get help, so he knows how to treat a lot of injuries and fix a lot of things to the point where the class calls him "redneck engineer" and "redneck doctor" even though they live in a huge city

the only person he's really close with is tokoyami, those two are never far apart

tokoyami is in a secret relationship with tsu, and shoji is helping him hide it

momo has a crush on todoroki, he likes her too but is too dense to realize it

jiro is a tsundere for kaminari, who has a massive crush on her

this was a long one, i'll just add more to this when i feel like it

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