total drama AU #1

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AU where all the contestants go to high school and/or college together depending on their age

A/N: the years will be decided by generation or age in the case of RR

ages based on this link in the comments


gen 1 and some of RR(senior class):

zeke has made enemies with half the school's female population, though unintentionally

lightning from the junior class would've thought eva was a guy if it wasn't for her name

noah is crushing hard on emma, a girl who joined later in the school year, she likes him too but doesn't realize it (#stophatingonemmaunlessit'sforagoodreason)(that was painful to type that without spaces)

A/N: i made her 18 and kitty 16 despite what the chart says because i want emma to be in high school so she can date noah and it would be OOC for her to be in high school in her 20s

justin will sometimes leave for weeks at a time due to his modeling gigs, he's always greeted with a ton of homework when he gets back, thankfully for him he can use his looks to get girls and a few guys (#bikingowen) to do it for him

kaite and sadie are the girls that scream bloody murder when the light level drops even the slightest

their also k-pop stans

tyler is somehow still on the sports team despite being really bad at it

(this is for if it's a boarding school) cody staged a panty raid and got his a** beat before he could get leave with the loot, the guys that joined him also got their a**es beat

beth is also a k-pop stan but not as much as katie and sadie

courtney is studying for law school and is the class rep

harold is convinced he's the rizzler. he is not the rizzler

trent is the leader of the music club

bridgette practically lives at geoff's place because his mom is never home and doesn't mind bridgette coming over so she just kinda hangs out there because he's her boyfriend and because he has a pool

lindsay is just the sweetest thing but has no idea what's going on, there could be a legitimate serial killer in the school and she would just be doing her makeup and wondering why everyone's so scared

DJ has brought animals to school so many times over the years that no one really bothers to ask why he brought a parakeet with him today

izzy has done so much dumb s**t and for some reason hasn't been expelled, everyone thinks she's paying off the teachers or something

geoff throws the best parties and invites everyone, yes even the bullies, some people think he enjoys the drama that comes with them

leshawna is like the cool older sister who will talk you out of a rash decision but also make your ex's life a living hell so you can have the time to properly grieve the situation

she did this once after this universes version of the "trent incident", and by that i mean she told everyone about it and everyone hated trent for a week until it was cleared up

duncan can actually do pretty well in school if he cares enough

heather is a perfect mix of heather chandler and regina george

(confession closet)heather: why the hell would i like alejandro?! sure he's really smart and hot and charming and has a nice a** but that means nothing!

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