Chapter 2- Candy?

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[before we start i just wanna say thank you to @Oliverlikescats22 for adding the book to their reading list so thank them mainly because if no one read or did that i wouldn't Continue anyways i hope you enjoy.]

"There we go now we should probably get going we don't wanna be late." I groaned at the thought of going to English were Mr. WasTaken was at. I hated that teacher with a passion he was so bossy,noisey,and generally stupid."I don't wanna go I hate that teacher." He looked at me confused."Why do you hate him." He asked. I didn't really wanna explain 'cause i was to tired to get lectured for my reasons."I JUST DO OK!? NOW LEAVE ME ALONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" I ran past him but he grabbed my arm before i could get away.

"I'm sorry but i can't let you run off." I started to scream cuss words at him. I was just about to punch him when someone grabbed my arm. I looked up to see who grabbed my arm and cuss them out. It was the pig guy. I think his name was techno but I'm not to sure and also don't care.

"LET MY ARM GO YOU FREAK." I screamed. He wasn't at all fazed instead he looked angry. Like really angry."we're you just about to hit Phil?" He questioned with venom in every word.

I was a little scared of him not gonna lie, but i wasn't about to show weakness in front of them especially not Phil."NO SHIT WHAT DID IT JUST LOOK LIKE DUMBFUCK." I screamed at him. He put his fist in the air ready to hit me. I flinched back but luckily no one saw. Maybe. Hopefully.

Before he could hit me Phil stopped him. Thank fuck."Techno please don't hit him." I smiled on the inside."yeah asshole don't hit me." I smirked and that just made him angrier if that was even possible. Phil sighed."Ok well we better be off. We have class to get to" He looked at me.

We walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway with all the art stuff was. We passed by the art room where Mr. Jacobs was. He was my favorite teacher of them all he let me do whatever i wanted and was nice to me despite me being a bitch to him.

"Hello Tommy." He said once he noticed me"And who may you be?" He looked at phil. God now Mr. Jacobs is going to make fun of me."Hi I'm phil nice to meet you I'm Tommy's behavioral tutor." I waited for him to start making fun of me but when i looked at him he simply just smiled."Nice to meet you to phil. I better get going class is about to start." They said their goodbyes and we started walking to class."Oh and Tommy" I stopped here comes the making fun of me part."Good job on the pottery session we did. It was a really wonderful piece probably better than the whole class." I was shocked no one has ever said good job to me.

We finally made it to class and just in time. Phil knocked and the door opened." Ah you must be Tommy's behavioral tutor it's nice to meet you." Mr. WasTaken said. I knew exactly what he was doing he was trying to play nice but in reality he said it out loud on purpose so everyone in the class could hear."Yes. My names phil. Where is Tommy's seat."

"It's over there in the back." He pointed towards the back seat next to the window[Ah yes very main character spot.] Phil said a quick thank you before heading to the seat. I Didn't sit down wanting to get on Mr. WasTaken's nerves. Mr. WasTaken looked over to me and sighed."Tommy please sit down i don't have time for your shenanigans." I didn't budge. This just made him more angry"Tommy i said sit down!." He slightly yelled." Tommy please sit down. If you don't then I'll have to take you to the principles office." He said calmly. I groaned."Fine." I said taking my seat. Mr. WasTaken looked surprise that i didn't argue back." He then got over it and continued the lesson.

During the lesson, I was somehow quiet all the way through, i took out my pen and and some sticky notes and began to doodle since all he was talking about was nonsense. I felt Someone tap on my shoulder i looked up to see Phil. He smiled and dug through his bag he pulled something. IT WAS CHOCOLATE, but not just any chocolate it was white chocolate. He gave it to me and smiled. I was so excited i didn't even notice i said thank you excitedly.

The kid beside me looked at me and noticed the chocolate."Hey can i have some." I looked at him with the 'really face' "No fuck off it's mine." I snarled back. He backed down surprisingly easy since he was one of the kids who liked to pick on people.

I took off the rapper and began eating it like i had never had candy before which was partially true after mom died.

[sorry it's a short chapter i just ran out of ideas also updates may be slow because of school but I'll update when i can.]


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