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hey guys quick note all chapters from here out are going to be first person unless i specifically say but thank you all for reading i but a ton of effort into this.

"Y/n, get up we have training today" kiri shook me gently to wake me up i walked over to my mom "i see you mom" " i see you daughter" i put on a feather top on and i walked out of our mauri. " hello" tsireya said "hello"

after we all got to the meeting spot the metkayina kids dived into the water gracefully. neteyam and lo'ak jumped in then kiri and tuk jumped in. i tried to dive in like the metkayina kids and it worked. how did i know it worked tsireya looked very surprised. But as soon as i took my eyes off of tsireya i saw some of the most beautiful sights ever. the animals were amazing. they looked like they were flying through the water. they were graceful,the sounds they made to communicate where like songs. how they looked was just magical they moved through the water like if they where ikran. the fish traveled together like they would never leave one one another. swam and swam the water made me feel like i could fly. i didn't need to come up for up for air like i had been there my whole life. the plants moved with the current like they where dancing. once i snapped out of my daze of all of the beautiful plants and animals i tried to find the other kids. i swam back to the village i went and found my siblings ao'nung was making clicking sounds with his tongue. "these are ilu if you want to live here you have to ride" i walked forward and an ilu came up to me and was very friendly. i made the bond and i rode under water i kept riding and it felt amazing. i went back up and i saw all of my siblings and metkayina kids looking in shock. "what,do i have something on my face" "no it's just...
y/n no first time rider had ridden like that before.

i saw my dad next to tonowari and other warriors. i signed i see you to my dad and all of the warriors. "y/n shouldn't you be learning" " i am learning father but um tonowari what is this animal" "this is a warriors mount it is called a tsurak" tonowari answered " may i ride one" "well like i said this is a warriors mount" "no respect sir but i was one of the strongest warriors in my clan let me prove to you i can master a tsurak" tonowari nodded his head but then spoke one last time " on one condition, you learn to master an ilu"
i nodded at his condition

tonowari tried to talk dad and i out of it but dad was set on learning how to ride a tsurak. he made the bond and the animal was full of energy. tonowari explained everything to dad and he tied his hand on the handle and told him where to go.
dad fell off his tsurak and then tonowari and a ton of other warriors gathered around me and i made the bond to the tsurak and he was angry. " remember y/n good form when you dive back into the water" i nodded and tonowari let go " i dived into the water and kept going then i jumped out of the water my tsuraks wings spread out and it felt amazing. not as amazing as riding an ikran but it felt like i was free. i grabbed on to the other handle and dove back in. i did a turn and stopped right in front of tonowari and his mouth was agape. i looked around and i saw his son ao'nung with his jaw on the floor. "i'm so proud of you y/n" my dad said as i looked at him.

i was walking on the shore when i saw tuk feeding an ilu "i love her already" she said. i called for my ilu i decided to name her saya and i got on her. we dove under water and rode for a bit when we saw tsireya and tuk as well as kiri. we all rode together for some time. having fun looking at the under water world. taking in all of its beauty. our ilu making many calls and enjoying being with us. me, kiri,and tuk rode without ilu saddles and we only had handles on them. it just felt better for some reason.

the next day we went to an island for tsireya to teach us how to breathe, i sat next to kiri and i curled my tail in my lap. i handed kiri a arm band made out of shells i had made the night before. " i made this for you" kiri's face lit up with a giant smile "thank you sister" "i made it with some vine from the forest so it has the new and old in it" tsireya began the the lesson "breath in... and breath out, imagine a flickering flame you must slow down your heart beat." she placed her hands on lo'ak and began instructing him. i looked at neteyam with a knowing look and him and roxto tried not to laugh. kiri wasn't having any of it and she shook her head.

i was walking on the beach when i started to feel sad. there was no real reason why, i just missed my home. i was getting used to being on the reef peoples island bur i missed the forest. i ran to the trees where our ikran now resided. i made a ikran call twice and nara came flying down. I made the bond and i took flight. it brought me comfort knowing that i could still fly, knowing i had a way to be close to the forest again. some of the metkayina made calls and looked up at me and i made the calls back. "tam tam nara" i flew until eclipse and the dots on my face started to glow. i knew i had to get back. i landed where we first arrived. i hugged nara tightly " what is that thing" roxto asked "it's an ikran i only had one chance to tame one, i tamed nara when i was 5" roxto kept looking at her in the eye, "don't look her in her eye, it is a sign of a challenge" roxto looked down but then tried to get closer " kehe, she will kill you" roxto backed off and i told nara to go back to where she was and roxto started walking away. i walked to my mauri where mom was making food "i see you mom" "i see you" we sat down talking about our day and dad asked me " how do you like our new home" my smile dropped how could he say home when we were forced to move here " i'm sorry dad but this is not my home it's just somewhere i'm staying for now" dad looked down knowing that i was probably never going to call this place home but i tried to lighten the mood by talking about some wild life. we finished our meal and went to bed. i would be lying if i said i didn't miss the sounds of the forest. yea the ocean was nice to listen to but it just felt repetitive tiring. all i wanted was to go back home, all i wanted was to go back and to grandmother. all i wanted was to be hunting in the forest, not being treated like a baby not being treated as a weakling.

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