The spirit tree

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I flew back to the village and walked back to our mauri and set my bow on its rack and went and sat at the edge of the ilu dock. Eclipse fell and I dove into the water to see all of the bioluminescent plants. I breached the surface calling for my tsurak making the bond and swimming through the water. I had never ridden my tsurak at night before so it was a new experience. I saw kiri and dad sitting at the edge of our mauri and slowly rode over to them. Diving off of my tsurak when I was a few feet away and swam over. I pulled myself up next to kiri and saw there was fresh tears on her face. "Kiri, are you okay." She nodded and i had to trust her but before I could say anything to console her neteyam walked up behind us holding ao'nung by his braid. Dad stood up and looked at them. "Tell him what you told me" neteyam demanded. "I took your son lo'ak outside the reef and he hasn't come back yet." I stood up and looked at him with an angry look. "You what." I said softly,ao'nung didn't say anything. "YOU WHAT!!" I repeated yelling my head off. "You Skxawng he does not know the sea like you, he is a forest Na'vi have you lost your goddamn mind ao'nung!!" Dad had to hold me back from killing the boy. "Don't worry baby we'll find your little brother" dad started off to tonowari and Ronals mauri and I yelled to him " I will take Nara and look for him from the sky's" dad shouted "good idea" back at me in response. Ao'nung tried to walk off and I pulled him back by his ear "ohhhh no you don't. Your going to ride on the back of my Ikran and help find my brother. If not I will pluck your eyes out and cook them for breakfast then move on to your fingers." Ao'nung got the message.

I sprinted to where I would call Nara and ao'nung was close behind me. I called and Nara landed in front of me and I made the bond. Ao'nung stood there looking scared. " let's go fish lips" i stretched out my hand to help him on and took flight. Ao'nung was shaking like a leaf. It honestly brought me some joy knowing he was scared of Ikran. But that aside, "keep your eyes open, we need to find him" I could hear the other hunters shouting his name and I saw him swimming. I let out a loud cry to signal that I saw him. It was like my mothers cry when we would ride Ikran together. I signaled a hunter who was riding a tsurak by flying lower and pointing to where he was. I pushed ao'nung off of Nara into the water and flipped him off as he resurfaced. It was payback for all the times he's been rude,idiotic,and made fun of my sister.I mean it kinda falls into the rude category but for me it's a whole other thing. When we neared the village I flew lower to the sea and dove in off of Nara.
"The boy has been found" a na'vi said. Lo'ak walked over to ao'nung angered and I had to grab him by his queue and pull to stop him from beating him up. Dad inspected him closely. "Just a few scratches!" He said after he was done. Mom came running down and hugged lo'ak. Then her happiness turned into rage "I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son" mom made a clawing motion at lo'aks eyes and then hissed. Tonowari wanted to blame ao'nung but then lo'ak took the blame for it. I was taken aback, my baby brother taking responsibility for what happened to him. We walked off and dad scolded lo'ak even though he was just trying to do what dad told him. I didn't agree with it but when lo'ak left it just felt like he didn't deserve that. "Where where you two?" Mom asked I was tired of this neteyam and I got blamed for not looking out for our brother. I walked away without being dismissed. I was tried of getting blame put on me when it wasn't my fault. "Y/n!" I kept walking. Dad ran to catch up to me. "Y/n! Stop!" Dad grabbed my bicep and lowered his voice to a yelling whisper. "Enough of this attitude, I'm sick of it." He dragged me to the mauri and pushed my head down to force me to sit down. "What the hell!" Dad yelled. I laughed manically "what the hell." I said quiet "WHAT THE HELL! I HELP RESCUE LO'AK AND THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!" Enough!" Mom yelled. "Your grounded, no flying, no riding ilu,no riding tsurak. Until I can't do anything but chores. I just side eyed both of them. "Can I go." I said flatly. Dad nodded and i got up and walked out. Kicking over dads gun rack as I walked. I walked over to the side where they could not see me. "Ma Jake, she has a point her neteyam try very hard to look out for lo'ak. She tries very hard the way you grounded her was not right, she does deserve punishment but you where very hard in her." I dived into the water my tears mixing with the sea. "Y/n! Where are you" I heard dad yelling, I breached the surface and looked at him.

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