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Soon, Sneve had found himself regretting his decisions... It had been about a day since he had been freed by his oh so 'trustworthy' friend, Shadow and was being invited to a new event of sorts.. Viking had asked... {Asked is an under exaggeration} Sneve, Shadow and oddly enough Legundo to come with him to some sort of... Masquerade. Viking seemed... Nervous. Which if Sneve remembered correctly Viking didn't have his memories of when he was alive so why was he nervous, where these other people like... Enemies with Viking?

Well that wouldn't be surprising but for Viking to seem worried alarms Sneve. {And Legundo, Who did his best to hide it. He knew he shouldn't be worried about someone who's blackmailing him... But he is.} Shadow had soon gathered his group of netherlings and had them sit at an overly large dramatic meetint table. Legundo was put off by the almost secretive and serious aura. His caution easily being noticed from Shadow. "Don't worry, Legs I'm not going to suddenly shout something and explode the place. I know you got that trauma on your mind. No, I'd like to talk about Viking. Something is off... I mean, he seems nervous, maybe scared.. It's very... Concerning. If he's scared to go alone I think it's best if we go with him. Viking doesn't usually ask.. No that doesn't describe how genuinely panicked and desperate he sounded." Shadow said.. Trying to think of a way to say it.

"Yeah, he practically begged at that point.. He's usually more demanding and collected. Like he's always scheming." Sneve said as he stepped in the conversation. "Yeah. I was honestly thinking the same. He genuinely seemed worried, and usually he hardly cares. He's usually so bold and confident." Legundo noted.

"I say we go, hide armor and alike to gear up fast. Hide weapons. Sneve, take your cloak with you, Legundo I advise taking a good axe, since bows won't be as good in close combat, I'll bring my scythe... And I'll have Timothy wait outside in case of emergency." Shadow said. "What is an animal who hardly even knows how to avoid danger going to help..?" Legundo asked. "Timothy is actually a pretty smart pig, also you'd be surprised how much damage a protective Timothy can do." Shadow replied. They all soon agreed upon this plan and went to find Viking to talk about it.

Viking was currently messing with some rocks he had found. He had got them smothened. Trying to keep his mind off of his panic he looked at the rock. He had an awful feeling that something bad or horrible was going to happen...

Shadow and the other two soon found Viking and came over to talk, Viking awkwardly shifting to the three and floating up a bit, mainly to feel less small. He was actually decently tall but nether beings where just... Extra tall. "Okay, Viking we'd love to know more about this masquerade... And we weren't awars you know people outside of this... Place. So what's up?" Shadow asked.

Viking thought for a moment. He had to figure out how to say this. "Okay, so... I have been invited by a demon I apparently know, apparently it trusts me enough to call me a friend. It's name is Aimsey. I don't remember Aimsey, but for some reason I know that Aimsey is trustworthy, though my memory is definitely not there." Viking said.

Legundo quickly stepped forward and moved Shadow to the side a bit to actually look at Viking. "Aimsey? As in future demonlord Aimsey? Viking..." Legundo started. Then he fell silent for a moment. "Let's hope your not on the demon lord's bad side.. He's a thorny rose, I'll tell you that.. One wrong move and you'll get pricked.." Legundo mumbled.

"Alright, so this is definitely going to be a 'prepare for potential conflict' situation. Well, Sneve what do you think on this?" Shadow asked."I am concerned viking is a spirit so he could potentially be.. Trapped in a lantern. Maybe I should carry one in case anyone else tries to take our ghost. Legundo, your call on the lantern because I know they affect you. Unless you have a more functional solution to what issue we could be presented by the hellspawn demonlord who has SERIOUS issues.. Manipulating people, blackmailing, gas lighting, and all sorts of things.. I'm confident those are his issues.. And he's a brat." Sneve said.

"I'll genuinely slap him is any of y'all ask." Shadow said. Legundo chuckled. "I know a few greeaaat brat tamers if you'd like to bring one of them with us. Have him wait outside " Legundo offered. Viking snickered a bit and glanced off. "Brat tamers? You would wouldn't you. What you gonna bring in a 7 foot chisled god or a copy of Kakashi from that one show that I must'ent say the name of?" Viking asked jokingly.

Legundo just smiled a bit. "Oh, If I brought a brat tamer he'd be someone no one would expect, not to mention he's really sweet, and crazy strong. He's also a demon." Legundo said. Viking smiled a bit and laughed. "Oh, your to funny Legs. You, knowing people like that? You've gotta be kidding! Your overly nice, your caring and sweet, your practically the DEFINITION of nice. No offense but I doubt that you'd actually find someone who'd do that." Viking said, underestimating Legundo's connections.

"Anyways when is this thing?" Shadow asked. Viking fell a bit quiet. "In two days." Viking replied. The other three gave a stunned look. Then they snapped out of it and turned to each other as if thinking the same thing. Viking tilted his head, a bir confused but he moved on. "So you guys should probably go and find you all outfits for the masquerade. Also Legundo, can I talk to you over here for a second?" Viking asked.

Legundo slipped to the side with Viking, fully expecting something on the deal. "I'm only saying this once so you better catch it. Thank you for agreeing to help me, with everything. Means a lot.." Viking said. Legundo stayed silent for the longest moment before nodding as to say 'Your good.'

Later on during the day Viking found something odd... Hidden away in a chest behind a bookshelf in a temple like place. It's labele read- 'potion of materiability' which made the phantom curios.. He pocketed the potion for later.

"Adventures Of The Blaze."Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang