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Soon the four had gotten outfits for the masquerade... All of which matching their usual clothing style. Sort of, color scheme and at least design wise. Shadow had a black crow like mask with a purple trim and purple crystals embedded in the mask, feathers doming off one side of the mask. He had on a more glamorous outfit then just a boring tuxedo. He wore a coat with jade trim, black Onyx fragments placed in ths shape if ribs around his chest. Black dress pants with flare at the feet, black boots with spikes on the bottom. He had a purple cloak with a toxic green trim,made out of some sort of fluff, possibly from an animal.

Sneve, He had dressed in a more confident and prideful manor. He had taken on a more human form, his hair being his most noteable trait off the bat. His hair was slicked back, ans noticeably long. His hair almost glowed, like hot metal. You could feel the heat as he walked by. His outfit was more simple, A red, yellow and gold loose robe, a somewhat tight black shirt underneath, and baggy gray pants. Despite the simplicity the outfit worked well, especially when you notice he had jewelry, like amber bracelets, some having insects in them. A tight fitting Necklace with a pendant, the pendant having what seemed to be some sort of clock like locket, almost looking steampunk. His mask was one of ruby and feathers

Legundo was definitely a show, a sight black turtle neck as well as a golden defensive shoulder piece. The piece was spiked and held in place by what seemed to be a thick black leather, held and adjusted by a golden adjustable buckle. He actually had some other pieces that matched the shoulder piece, like one for his arm but otger then that nothing huge was noticeable. Except... The piglin had his piglin name, which of course was in piglin on the sleeve of his shirt, as well as his classic cloak, the red, Yellow and black one. It was clear with him that he'd be.. On alert. His mask was almost like an animal skull, also one of his ears had a piercing.

Viking out of all of them decided to go yhe most all out. He was a phantom after all. He had on a clearly handmade coat, {for good examples of the cloak's type, Vanitas/case study of vanitas, Dazi/bungo straydogs, William mecbeth/the despair king}. Essentially it was long, almost to the floor, the colors being different on both sides, where the zipper would be was hidden by gold and aquamarine trimming. His sleeves getting wider near the end, his hood having a blue and yellow wool sown in. It was FABULOUS. He looked flashy. He had boots on, high boots. Another norable thing was that their where ribbons on the back, three. They swooped in a way that resembled a tail, like a lizard or alike. His mask was very, very nice. It of course resembled the mask of the phantom of the opera! Though the colors and trimming used where his own colors.

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