five; the meeting

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I was right, it

was fun. Well, we’re still shopping but so far it’s been fun.

We’re currently in TopShop and the boys – Niall and Liam – wanted me to model things off for them. And must I say, this is amazing, absolutely amazing. I’m currently trying on a tight, black dress with a large tiger covering the top part of it. They also put in some triangle tights and wedges. These boys are crazy. It’s not exactly my style. I prefer more casual stuff than this. Seeing as how I was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans, a dress and tights were different than anything else. I would have never chosen it.

I’ve slightly noticed Liam looking at me, turning away and blushing every time I catch him. He recently broke up with Danielle so it couldn’t possibly be a crush, plus, I don’t want to be the girl who’s supposed to make Danielle jealous.

I walk out of the dressing room and do a small twirl, showing off how the dress flows.

“Pretty,” Niall says “I like that colour on you.”

“Where did Liam go?”

“McDonald's, he got hungry.” He tells me. I laugh to myself, thinking about how I was planning to come to this exact shopping center and eat Nandos for lunch, saying how I would run into Niall whilst eating. Oh how I was wrong.

Niall and I did have some good conversations though; I found out that he’s really sweet. He was telling me how he decided to audition for the X Factor and basically everything going along with that. Also about the boys and how they got along. He also asked me about myself; where I was from, what I like doing, and so on.

He bought me almost everything, ignoring my protests. I don’t need new things. I don’t need his money. I have my own clothes and the money I took from my father, I don’t need Niall buying everything for me. When it was time to leave, we exchanged goodbyes and phone numbers. Niall also insisted that we should do something the next day which nearly made me scream.

It’s only three so I have almost a whole day ahead of me. I stop at the grocery store for Ben and Jerry’s along with some chick flicks and other random candies. Plenty of Skittles though, Skittles are my favourite. I’ll order a pizza when I get back to the hotel. I’m having a movie night with myself.

Or a movie day, whatever you’d call this thing. It’s in the middle of night and day so I’m calling it a movie marathon. It sounds nice.

I’m planning on watching (500) Days Of Summer, The Perks Of Being a Wallflower. I also picked up  Easy A and The Hunger Games just to throw a mix in it all.

Meanwhile, the cashier gives me a weird look as I buy all of this. What the hell, it’s a movie night! He must have not lived right.

“Thank you!” I say to him. However, he doesn’t really respond, he just nods. He’s strange. He’s probably just mad that I’m hotter than his girlfriend. That was a joke. And with that attitude, he probably doesn’t have a girlfriend.

Albeit, tonight will be a good night.

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