twenty-four; birthday party

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Abigail’s POV

“So, Abigail…” Louis starts off.

“Yes, Louis?”

“Your birthday is coming up, right?”

“The thirteenth if that’s what you mean by ‘coming up.’”

“That’s only in three days!” Niall exclaims before eating a chip. “How are we supposed to plan a party in less than three days?”

We’re all at a restaurant in London wearing disguises. It’s not the kind of shady disguise that attracts more attention to you but one that involves Zayn dressing up as a girl. And no, I’m not joking. Most of the boys are wearing beanies or doing something different with their hair and clothes to make it less noticeable but Zayn was the unfortunate one that had to dress up as a girl for the third time in their career.

“I really don’t want a big fuss out of my birthday.”

“But you’re turning eighteen and that’s a big year.” Zayn argues. Or should I say, Veronica argues.

“Yeah, we have to do something huge!” Harry emphasises the word ‘huge’ while making hand gestures. I really don’t want a big deal made out of my birthday. My birthday was always the worst day in the year and I was hoping to just bypass this one without the boys knowing. But of course, Louis had to use his stalkerish powers to find it out and announce it to the rest of the boys.

“I’d rather just hang out with you boys or something. I don’t like parties anyways,”

“No one else? Not even Demi Lovato?”

“Like Demi Lovato would come, she doesn’t even know I exist, Niall.” I laugh before looking down at the table sadly, tapping my fingers across the hard surface.

“Sure she does. Everyone knows who you are.”

“Then go and invite her! But no one else,” I tell them sternly.


I walk around Harry’s apartment alone, looking around at all the people with a red solo cup full of water in hand. The party was in full swing with what looked like a hundred people dancing and taking shots.

All of the boys knew I didn’t want a huge party, let alone a party in general. As the promised, Demi Lovato showed up and that’s when I was feeling a lot better about the situation. We escaped to the quiet, closed off part of the apartment and talked for an hour but then she had to leave so we exchanged numbers and parted ways. I wish I could leave like she had; Harry stopped me before I could.

“You can’t leave your own party early!” He had insisted.

So nearly two hours later, here I am now, wandering the party alone and having no clue where Niall went. Knowing him, he’s probably off drinking and messing around and I don’t really want to deal with a drunk Niall. I guess I would have more fun if I actually knew half these people. The party had turned into Harry’s party; I bet that mostly no one here even knew it was supposed to be my birthday party.

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