seven; employment

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"Welcome to Syco!" Simon says, shaking my hand. He stands up and walks out the door, saying that I start tomorrow at seven. A bit too early, methinks. I start to walk home when I decide to celebrate. Totally changing directions, I head towards TESCO.

I go to the candy aisle and pick up Skittles, Kit Kats, M&M's, both sour and regular gummi worms, and Swedish Fish. On the way to the counter, I see a bottle of Coke so I decide to get that too.

The speakers blast McFly’s, That Girl while I'm singing, well, screaming the lyrics. I jump around the room as I eat gummi worms. I was having a blast, that was, until people started complaining.

Those bitches.

So I've resulted into tying my One Direction dolls to the ceiling fan and making them fly. Of course I videotaped it too. It’s now everywhere on Tumblr. However, I do feel bad for Niall because he decided to be the cool one and fly towards the wall. That's when I decided to sing Save You Tonight.

It was a little after an hour after that before I fell asleep on the couch.

I could already tell that I was in America by once glance. It was just... American if that makes sense.

Tyler is here, one of my old bullies from school. He has a pair of scissors and was making little cuts on my hands. It hurts so bad! The concept seems small and unpainful but it hurts bad. It makes it even worse that we're in school and our teacher doesn't even notice.

I want to cry. I really want to cry. I can't show my weaknesses though.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

The chanting in my head stops when I feel a tear travel down my face, on to my lap. This is it, I showed my weakness and I can't take it back. I'm doomed. I see a bright light from the corner of my eye, which moved to the center of my vision.

I'm suddenly in a restaurant. I recognise it. It's at the mall back in Minnesota. My mother and I used to go there all the time. I look over to my side and I see her. I see my mother. The one that died in a car crash four years ago; she's here. And so is my grandpa who is on the other side of me.

We were going out to a family dinner. I see a Starbucks in the corner, I didn't order anything though. Just a simple glance. We walk into the familiar restaurant. I'm suddenly happy. Until he's there.

Tyler is also in the restaurant. Sitting with his friends. Those douchebag friends who are just like him. I can't do anything. He can't do anything. I'm safe with her here. He stands up and walks over to me. I see another bright light.

I'm not in Minnesota anymore. Not even close. I'm back in London, exactly where I belong. I identify Maddy and Clark there, which is a relief. I don't know what I'd do without them. We're walking up steps when I get a little nervous; I have no clue where we’re going.

When we reach the top, I get it. We climb into a tube-like thing. I was the last one in. The tube was small though, I couldn't really get the door closed. And just when I was so close to getting it closed, we were shoved off the building. We were a few thousand feet into the air and the door to the tube wouldn't close.

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