IV. pogue life's downsides

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RAIN HAS STARTED TO POUR over the chaos that is the island of Kildare. The night roars and screams as the four Pogues continue on their mission to save their best friend from the claws of unjust security. The four of them peek over the fence of a silent house, alert eyes kept solely focused on Gavin's van as it parks outside the construction site Ward is yet to arrive at. Their espionage is humble and still raw, but Oakley's binoculars and Pope's camera should be enough to capture enough evidence to provide to the authorities.

   "Nice camera. Where'd you ding up that relic?" JJ asks as Pope holds the device over the fence, hood on and eye closed as the other watches through the lens, "Why don't you just use your phone?"

   "Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away," Pope retorts and the girls glance at each other.

   Oakley just bursts out laughing as Kie says, "Lord of the dorks,"

   "Hey! Oakley has binoculars, come on," Pope points at the girl and her mouth falls open in offense.

    "These are not a relic at all!"

   "Yeah, right. Well, for definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass," he raises his camera proudly before his eyes catch onto something else, "There he is,"

All four eyes follow his line of sight, watching closely as Ward appears running down the street, hair dripping and eyes squinted as angst seeps from his every move. The blonde girl immediately brings her binoculars up to her eyes.

   "Yo! Get down," JJ pulls Oakley down by the arm and they all crouch behind the gate.

They watch as the two men exchange two or three words before sprinting up onto the unfinished building, making Pope start wondering where they're headed.

   "No, no, no, no! I'm losing him!" Pope grumbles as Ward and Gavin run off from their site.

   "Shit. Where's he going?"

   "Hold on," JJ suddenly moves away, making Oakley turn around to follow him with her eyes before turning back around.

   JJ whistles, "Yo! Hey, I found something. Come here," he waves them over, making the other three trail after him.

The blonde leads them to a ladder that climbs up to the rooftop of a building. After agreeing it's good enough to get a good sight of the illegal deal they're trying to capture, JJ places a hand behind Oakley's back and leads her to climb up the first. The girl quickly gets on and hurries up to the top as JJ gives her a lift with a hand pushing her upward. Once they're all up, they take their position again crouching on the ground and keeping their presence as on the sly as possible. Oakley places the binoculars on her eyes and Pope brings the camera up as to not miss a single detail.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; jj maybank ² [𝐎𝐍 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃]Where stories live. Discover now