♡The weasels sick day♡

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The day that Hyunjin got sick was one of the worst days for the rest of the members, their lovely and dramatic member was extremly ill, he had gotten a sick from shooting their very first eps of SKZ CODE, on camera he looked fine but after they got finished he strated to feel weaker and weaker. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to convince himself that he was fine, that he wasnt sick, that he was ok. When he opened his eyes back up he saw Felix, the groups little sunshine walking towards him with a concerned face. Hyunjin coudnt even keep his balance anymore this was way beyond a cold he thought to himself a cold doesnt make you lose balance like this, he coudnt see properly either his vision was getting blurry as Felix came closer to him.

Felix: Hyunjin are you oki? You look like your about to pass out is everything good?

Hyunjin: Felix.... no, im not myself i dont know what is going on but it's not normal im can barley balance right now my legs are shaking and my vision keeps on getting blurrier and blurrier. Help me please....

Felix: HYUNJIN!!!

"Hyunjin" was the last thing he heard before he passed out on the ice ground, everybody gathered around him, Felix was basically in tears not knowing what happened, ChangBin immediately ran to him and called 911. All of their Managers and set producers were at the parking lot a couple of miles away from them, while ChangBin was calling 911 Minho ran over to Felix and comforted him, telling him that Hyunjin was fine and that it was probably it was just a virus. Felix was basically bawling his beautiful brown eyes out. After a couple of minutes passed by the ambulance came and as well as their crew members, managers and of course a bunch of paparazzi's. After they took Hyunjin inside the Ambulance and he went to the E.R. all of the SKZ members were outside waiting, Felix still crying and I.N, Seungmin and Changbin were hugging him. 

Felix: H-He will be oki right? 

he asked looking at Woojin across where he currently was seated. He walked up to Felix, how could their little Sunshine shed this much tear.... he thought to himself...  Well, it only makes sense, the first they met with each other as trainees Felix was nervous and wasn't himself at all, but when Hyunjin came to comfort him saying that it was all going to be okay, they immediately clicked with each other, they became inseparable, they would be best friends even after death.

Woojin: Yes Felix, he will so now please we all are begging you at this point, please stop crying don't waste your tears now he is alright, ok? He wouldn't want you to cry like this he would tell you these words exactly, he would comfort you, so now let us do the same.

Felix was touched with what Woojin has said, as hard as it was to say it but he was saying the truth. Hyunjin wouldn't want him to cry, so he wasn't going to...

Felix: O-Oki, I won't cry but only for him, he's my best friend i just don't want to lose him t-that's all.

Felix crying almost made the entire group want to cry too...  They all loved Hyunjin, he was like a brother for all of them. Suddenly Han and Lee Know saw a doctor and 2 nurses heading where they were sitting, Felix saw this and thought that it was bad news about Hyunjin, the Sunshine started to cry more and more, basically turning into a rain could.

Doctor: Well, I am beyond sorry for my delay, but your friend Hyunjin has woken up you may go and see him now. He is doing better than expected! He will be able to go home with you guys in 2 to 3 days. Just buzz us if anything is wrong with him. Good day.

When Felix heard this, he ran to the doctor and hugged him tightly!


Doctor: Of course, kiddo, but don't cry now he is alright going ahead and visit him he's been asking bout you guys nonstop.

With that the group ran as fast as they could to Hyunjins room. Once they arrived, Han slid the door, and there he was.... The precious little drama king.

Hyunjin: FELIX!!!

Felix: Hyunjin!....

Felix: I thought that you were dead, i-i thought that you left me... well left us, right? heh...

Hyunjin: I could never leave you guys, you all are my family i love all of you guys so much i cant put it into words.

I.N: Well do you want us to stay here with you for 2 days, until you can get out of this place?

Hyunjin: Yes please, I've been worried sick about you all and I want you guys next to me forever, don't leave me again...

Seungmin: Brother, you left us, we thought that you had died. Out little Sunshine here was bawling his eyes out until now.

Hyunjin: Of course, he was ha-ha.

Seungmin: No duh brother, he was like a little wittle crybaby!!!!!

Felix: *Pouts in the cutest was possible* Hmph, are you making fun of me Seungmin!?!?!

Seungmin: MAYBEEEE...!!!

Changbin: Ok, ok, guys now stop with all the fuss man, he's tired.

As their conversations went on like that all 9 of the members hugged Hyunjin and spent 2 days with him at the hospital. 

When they were in their van on their way back home, Felix did not stop hugging and cuddling Hyunjin in the car, but eventually he fell asleep, of course little ducklings like him would need their nap nap time. BangChan saw Felix's little head tilting to the side, his pretty freckles dancing on his face in the sunlight, he told Hyunjin, so Hyunjin fixed his tiny little head, and they went home basically whispering since their little Sunshine had fallen asleep after all his crying and fuss over his brother.

*Hyunjin quietly taking a pic of their lil duckling sleeping adorably* <333 lol

*Hyunjin quietly taking a pic of their lil duckling sleeping adorably* <333 lol

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*Okay you guys, I hope you like this chapter I will try to post a chapter everyday or write more than one per day*

Also dont forget to keep supporting out beutefilly talented SKZ members. 

<333 cya next time byii lol <333

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