~s u n s h i n e~

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(This is a short story btw! lol) <3333 

 The members were looking at the drowsy blonde in front of them. Felix was very ill at the time, he had gotten the flu sadly, but SKZ is always there to take care of him. 

Felix: Sing for me...

Seungmin: What song Lixie? he asks in a calm voice while caressing his tiny hand under his.

Felix: I just want to hear you all sing, i dont care what song- the ill kitten replies back coughing.

Hyunjin: *You are my sunshine... my only sunshine, you make me happy when the skies are gray... Youll never know dear, how much i love you, please dont take my sunshine away, the other night dear, as I lay sleeping... I dreamed I held you, in my arms...when I awoke dear, I was mistaken... so I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine my only sunshine- you make me happy when the skies are gray... youll never know dear how much i love you, so please dont take my sunshine away.* he sang the entire song to him chocking on tears a bit.

Felix: Jinne..... my pretty weasel i will never ever leave you! 

Chan immideatly awed at them and the rest joined him, it was truly a beutiful view. Before they could even blink they saw Hyunjin leaning closer and closer into Felixs gaze, his eyes were sparkling from tears.

Hyunjin: Dont hate me for this... But I just cant help it anymore, Felix im sorry.

Before he could even reply Hyunjin placed his soft lips on Felixs. It was a small and a quick kiss but it meant to world to both of them, the members were looking at both of them in pure shock.

I.N: Did that really just happen?

Binnie: Yes, yes it did. 

He said looking at them with pure adoration in his eyes, it finally happened they all were thinking.

Chan: I knew it all along, you both are in love with eachother.

Hyunjin: Y-yeah... Im so deeply in love with this majestic little kitten.

Felix blushed at his words, then Jinnie picked up the blushing kitten from bed and sat down with Felix laying him on Hyunjin's body. They became even more inseparable and now it was only a short amount of time for their duckling to fully recover!

( I just had this idea and it was actually in my dream, i saw Jinnie singing this song to the precious little Lixie Pixie!) <333 

Hope you liked it lol

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