Never again.../*Minsung*

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  Lee Know was curled up into a ball in his room sobbing and shaking, him and Han had a big argument earlier and he just couldn't stand being yelled at by him, he loved Han so much they have been best friends since they were trainees and Minho cared about him deeply and would sell his life for him. Still shaking and crying, Minho decided that it would be the best choice if he took a shower and maybe it would just make him relax and clear his head from the argument with Han. 

He stepped into the shower and the hot water touching his skin made him relax, but still he was thinking about their fight, this was really rare since they barely argued with each other, but he couldn't handle the thought of losing his best friend. After he was finished he went into his room and started to pick what he wanted to wear, then he saw it... he saw Hans hoodie laying at the bottom of the drawer he picked it up looked at it and tears started to form in his eyes again, he wanted to wear it so badly but he didn't know if Han would let him or if he even wanted to see him again. He wore it anyway it still smelled like Han's cologne, that made Minho happy.

¨Dinners ready! ¨ yelled Changbin. 

¨I-Im coming just 1 min please. ¨ he yelled back in a soft tone.

He wiped away his tears, but it was just too obvious that he had cried, he didn't care anymore his pain was the one that was eating him up, all he wanted was Han, he wanted Han to tell him to comfort him saying ¨Its okay I still love you so much my little Minnie. ¨ He fully got dressed and walked towards the dining area with his head down.But he didnt know Han was staring right at him, Hannie was feeling terrible for saying all of those filthy words to him . 

Han walked next to Minho he noticed that he was still crying he lifted up his chin and looked at his chocolate-colored eyes. He wanted to forgive him but he was still mad, he wanted to hug him but his anger was taking over. About an Hour ago Minho and Han were both happy but little did Han know that was all going to change, and when he learned that he yelled at his friend outside of SKZ for talking fithy about him Han, but he didn't know that. Jisung was ferious but there was just one thing that he didnt know that his ¨friend¨ had harassed Minho terribly and that he was covering his scars on his arms. He didnt mean it but he snapped, ¨ WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY HOODIE! DID YOU ASK YOU JERK?!?!¨ yelled Han. 

¨I-Im s-sorry please forgive me... Hannie please-¨ pleaded Minho.

Han didnt care he was too ferious he basically ripped the hoodie in the middle and Minho was left with only a SKZOO shirt on, it took Han a couple of mintues to notice his scars and cuts, they both started to tear up. 

¨Minnie... who did this to you...¨ Hannie said chocking on his own guilt and tears. But there was still no answer from Minho, all he could do was just stare at han and cry.

¨M-minnie, tell me now who did this to my pretty and precious little Minho!¨ he said while caressing his cheek and stroking his shining brown hair.

¨You wont be mad if i tell you though o-okay?...¨ he asked him sniffling and looking at him.

¨I promise you my Minnie¨ he said softly.

¨I uhm... I-It was your f-friend¨ Minnie flinched even thinking bout him.

¨You mean to tell me that, that JERK harassed MY MINNIE?!?!¨ oh how ferious Han was, he coudnt belive what Lee Know was saying. 

¨ A-and i was so mean to you thinking that you were the one to treat him like crap... Oh my Minho must have been so scared, doesnt he know how precious you are Minnie?¨ he said chuckling at his last words.

¨Ï guess not Hannie-¨ he said in a soft tone of voice but hiccuping and still crying and sniffling a bit. Han wiped away his tears and gave him a small kiss on his forehead.

¨Im going to get a little payback you stay here and eat with the rest okay Minnie?¨ He told him and Minho nodded and waved at him as he was walking thourgh the door and Han gave him a small but soft smile in return.

¨What in the god dang world just happened!¨ said Seungmin and Felix while chucking but confused still. 

Everybody went over to Minnie to go and give him a tight hug and gave him another one of Hannies hoodies since it was pretty chilly inside, Channie and the rest asked him about what had happened and he told them everything while they were eating their dinner, but got interppted when the doorbell rang. 

¨ILL GET IT!¨ yelled Woojin, Changbin and Hyunnie. The three ran to the door and opened it happily to see Hannie standing there also with a huge smile on his face.

¨So what did I miss, yall already finishied eating?¨ he asked happly looking at his one and only precious little Minnie.

¨ Actually your just in luck cuz he started eating like 5 mins ago.¨ said Seungmin happily.

¨Yeah man come hereee!¨ yelled I.N with a big smile on his face also.

Han walked over to them and took a seat next to Minho of course but before eating he took his hands looked at him and apologized.

¨ I will listen to every word you say next time i promise you even if its useless conversations your talking bout Minnie, I will never ever break your heart again.¨ He said while making his grip tighter on Minhos small hands.

¨So like never again?¨ he asked cutely.

¨Never again...¨ Han responded back.

After all the drama which Hyunnie and Seungmin enjoyed but is anybody suprised really? They ate and played games for hours and hours untill they all drifted of to sleepy town.

( SKZ is just a bunch of happy and smily little bunnies i just want to put them in my pocket and protect them forver lol ^^)

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