Seeing Red

209 25 4

Anger Runs Through Veins

The Boy Is A Scared Child

He Is Not A Wolf

Xavier found his rest growing more and more restless. The last few days following his trip to the Red's apartment had been full of uncertainty. He still had no idea who you really were or why the man was so interested. You clearly weren't a danger, yet your track record said otherwise. The boy had spent a lot of time looking over your police file. He didn't even know if it was legal for him to have.

He had thought of throwing it out. Burning it away. But what good would that do? Surely that would also be a crime anyway. It didn't matter, he reasoned, since others knew about it as well. For now all he could do is wait. Bide his time until he could figure out what to do.

Carmen: Hey.

Xavier nearly jumped at her voice. He realized he had been staring into his locker without much movement before he turned around to greet the older girl. Carmen was smiling as she usually did, but Xavier noticed a few of her friends waiting for her across the hall. They looked at him with annoyed expressions. They clearly didn't want their friend talking to such a lowly person.

Yet here she was. Talking to such a lowly person.

Xavier: H-Hey.

He cleared his throat.

Carmen: Are you up to anything after school today?

The answer was always no, but she couldn't know that.

Xavier: Depends. Why?

Carmen: We're doing game night again. Ginger and Robin wanted you to come.

They did? Xavier was actually shocked by this news. He knew him and Ginger had gotten along, but Robin? Still, Xavier was unsure. He felt wrong for entering their world under such deceptive circumstances. He had also been avoiding Ruby as well. He didn't want to intrude either. It seemed like a family manner and he was still an outsider.

Xavier: Thanks for the invite, but I think I'll have to decline.

Carmen actually seemed upset over his answer. This definitely tugged at Xavier's heart. He never thought he would make such a beautiful girl upset like he just did. Hell, he never thought that he would be talking to a girl like this.

Carmen didn't try to argue with the boy. She simply wished him well and headed off while Xavier watched. He let out a groan and allowed his head to hit the locker door. He hated this. He wanted a real connection. Not whatever this.

It looked like he would be going home. The same place he hated going. When the final bell rang, Xavier found himself filled with dread. Opening the front door itself made him uneasy. When he peeked inside, he found no one. He heard no one, just the TV.

TV: Do you feel lost? Do you feel abandoned? Do you feel like you have a higher purpose but just can't reach it? We can help you. We are the Church of Mayr and we can.....

Xavier snuck into the house and let out a sigh of relief when he believed himself to be in the clear.

M: Xavier? Is that my baby boy?

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