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"Where is he?!" You could hear Atsuya's voice as he walked over to you, the rest of the team following closely behind.

"He's in there" you replied as you pointed at the door. Then the doctor came out.

"Is any of the patient's relative present?" The doctor asked and Atsuya immediately stepped forward. "Yes, I'm his brother," he replied.

"The patient had fainted while on a walk," the doctor started. "Oh you don't say, we were thinking he'd broken his arm while juggling" Atsuya said sarcastically for Kidou to step in front of him. "Calm down and let him finish,"

"He is fine, just a little weak and dehydrated. He should be fine in two to three days."

Atsuya let out a sigh of relief as the fear finally washed away from him. "Thank you" Gouenji bowed at the doctor. "Can we go see him?" Endou asked.

"Yes, but you all can't go in at the same time. The patient still needs time to rest" the doctor replied before he left.

"Maya, what exactly happened to him?" Kazemaru asked as he held your shoulder lightly. "I-I'm not sure. One second he was fine and then the next, he started breathing heavily and when I went to get him some water, he'd fainted" you explained.

"Well why did you even take him out in the first place?!" Atsuya yelled at you and flinched at his harsh tone.

"I-I didn't know it would be this serious," you stuttered.

According to the doctor, Shirou had been sick for a while now and his body had almost completely shut down so the matter would have escalated if you hadn't called the ambulance in time. Sometimes you even wonder how he could still play soccer so well.

"You could have prevented this, you knew he wasn't feeling too well and yet you still took him out. You should have known better. You failed as our manager. This is all your fault!" He yelled as he shoved you. You stumbled a bit but thankfully, you didn't fall.

It was as if he was holding back. But that wasn't even what hurt the most. "I failed?" You whispered to yourself as tears gathered in the corner of your eyes.

"Calm down, Atsuya! This is a freaking hospital for crying out loud and you have no right and I mean NO right to push her like that ever again, Understand?" Kidou said to Atsuya before he faced you, not even bothering to wait for his reply.

"You're a failure!"

"You good for nothing!"


"This is all your fault!"

You covered your ears as different memories came flashing back. All the pain, the beatings and the bruises. It felt like you we're reliving it all over again.

"Maya," he tried to touch you but you swatted his had away. "D-don't come near me, p-please" you said as your head only hurt further it was like the flood gates to all the memories you'd try to stash away finally broke down .

"Maya, it's me," he said as he tried to come near you but you took a step back. "Don't come near me, I did nothing wrong, please" you begged, your eyes shut tightly as tears rolled down your cheeks.

You found it hard to breath as the voices in your head only got louder and louder.

"You failed!"

"Your fault!"

You couldn't take it anymore. You ran out of the hospital ignoring all the voices that were calling out to you to come back.

You weren't sure where you were heading but you just needed to get away. To get away from all the voices that had been causing your nightmares. You just needed to escape.

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