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We met Laurel in the waiting room after we went to a pregnancy checkup. She was alone and seemed to be in need of someone to talk to.
"Hey. Everything ok?" Ivy was the first to speak to her.
"Yeah. I think so. Just a bit overwhelmed I think." She answered and we could clearly see she seemed overwhelmed. So we sat down.
"I'm Hazel and this is my wife Ivy. Is there anything we can help you with? Do you have someone here with you?"
"I'm Laurel. And no I'm here alone. I don't really know that many people around here."
"Ah. Do you want to talk about what's making you feel overwhelmed?"
"Maybe. I'm apparently pregnant. Which I was pretty sure about since I took a pregnancy test yesterday. But I just found out that it's twins. And that I'm about half way through the pregnancy."
"Oh congratulations! It does sound overwhelming though. We were planning to go for lunch after this. Do you want to join us and we can talk about it more if you want. Or distract you if you prefer that..."
"Yeah I think I would like that."

We walked out to the parking lot and joked about the likelyhood that any of us would be a kidnapper. Generally we'd advice against going in the car with someone you just met. But Laurel said she'd take her chance that two pregnant women wouldn't kidnap her and besides sometimes you just know instantly when you meet someone that you had some kind of connection. After a small discussion we decided to go for pizza and we knew of a place that had good pizza and where it usually wasn't too crowded and one could have a somewhat private conversation. We ordered two types of pizza to share between us three and we told eachother our stories. Laurel had returned from a year of backpacking almost four months ago and had a job working with the forest (we didn't go in to details but she had apparently got a degree in her area of work before she had left for her backpacking). She hadn't realized she was pregnant until the day before because she had been so busy since she got home and been so tired after working all day. The dad was apparently some guy called John and might have been from Wisconsin. She had met him in Thailand and hooked up a few times but never had his number so couldn't contact him. They had used protection but apparently that hadn't been working properly. She knew it was him because he was the only guy she'd been with for months before. She had mostly been with girls.

We told her about how we had met in school and been a couple since our mid teens. And that we always wanted a family and now had seemed a good time. A friend had agreed to be the donor and we had alternated months trying and because of a false negative both ended up pregnant. Not that we minded. We were happy for both our babies. Only downside was that some things were harder to do when both were pregnant and wasn't allowed to do certain things. Especially when one like us had a small farm to take care of. So far we only had chicken and a few sheep. We had planned to get some cows too but with us both being pregnant that felt like something that would have to wait a bit more. We could handle most of it ourselves but we had friends, family and neighbors around that could help if needed.

We all got along and had a good time. The pizza was delicious and we exchanged numbers and planned to meet up again soon.

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