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Next time I got home from work I found them both in the couch in the library. The library was probably my favorite room ever. At least a room that was in someone's home. It was just so perfect with the books, the big windows, it's round shape and the big comfy couch in the middle of the room.
They were both sitting at an end of the couch each. It was an old chesterfield couch with the sides the same height as the back. Perfect to lean against the sides and their feet met in the middle. Hazel had her laptop in her lap and was writing and had her earbuds in. Ivy was reading a book and was sipping on a big cup of tea. On the table in front of them was a teapot, Hazels half full mug and one empty for me. I kissed them both before I filled my cup, grabbed the galaxy blanket and sat down between them. Their moved their feet to make space for me and I spread the blanket so it covered us all. Cosy. Delicious tea. They kept doing what they were doing.
"So. What are you up to?"
"Working." Hazel didn't look up as she answered.
"Studying." Ivy didn't either. And I suddenly realized I had no clue what Hazel was working with. Or what Ivy was studying. Why was that? Was I selfish and just didn't care about them? No definitely not. I knew a lot about them. I knew what they liked to do and what they liked to eat. I knew their favorite books and what kind of music they'd want to listen to. I even knew how they preferred to fall asleep, Ivy on her belly (she was super annoyed she couldn't while pregnant) and Hazel curved up like a ball on her side (also hard while pregnant but somewhat doable) had we just not talked about this or had I forgotten?

"So, this is a bit embarrassing but..." They both looked up.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't think I know what you're working with. Or studying. Have I forgotten?" They both laughed.
"That's funny. But not just your fault."
"Guess it just hasn't come up..."
"Well I work with translating subtitles. Mostly tv shows."
"That sounds fun. You do that a lot?" I hadn't noticed her do it much.
"Not at the moment. A few hours a week."
"And I'm studying agriculture for small farms. I want to get better at it. I also want to build a greenhouse next summer or so. Depending on how it's going with all the babies."
"Oh I like to build things. Do you have plans?" Ivy handed me a piece of paper she pulled out from between tha pages in the back of the book.
"This looks nice."
"Yeah. I'm not totally sure thats what we'll go for but it's a start."
"Have I told you I'm also a florist?"
"No I don't think so?"
"Yeah, I was working full time at the flower shop in town until a month ago."
"We decided to take a month off before they're born, it'll probably be pretty intense once they're here."
"Yeah probably."
"You sure you're up for it?"
"No. But I want to be. Is that good enough?" Hazel reached out to hold my hand.
"Just let us know if you need a break. You can sleep in the guest room at any time."
"In the sex bed."
"Wanna go try it out?"
"Give me ten minutes to finish this?"
"Sure." I drank my tea. Happy and cosy in my favorite room, with my favorite blanket and of course with my favorite people.

I woke up early the next morning. I don't know if it was Rowan or Juniper that stepped on my bladder but I definitely blamed them. When I was getting back from the bathroom the early morning light was shining in through the window. Apparently neither of us had remembered to close the curtains. It was a good light though and Ivy and Hazel was sleeping so beautifully. Hazel on her back with Ivy's arm around her. The cover only up to her belly and her beautiful breasts visible. I'd enjoyed photography since my teens. I had a good camera that I had decided to leave behind on my trip. It was just too big. I had brought a smaller camera and it had been nice. But I had enjoyed getting my big camera back and had taken it out a few days ago to take some pics of the sheep and such. I wanted to take pictures of the babies so better get used to the camera again. Now I wanted to capture this moment though. The blissful moment with my two beautiful partners peacefully sleeping. I changed the lens and put the camera on a tripod. I needed all the light I could get and a tripod was the best option. I used the remote clicker to get as clean shot as possible. I hoped they wouldn't move or wake up and clicked the button. The pictures turned out great. They were so pretty together. But I wanted some with me in it too. So I changed it to a few seconds delay, snuck back in to bed and snuggled in with them. My face wouldn't be visible but that was fine. I didn't want to fake being asleep. I clicked the button and heard the camera take more pictures. I did that a few times while changing positions before getting up and checking the camera there were some that turned out really nice. Happy with the result I put the camera and tripod back, closed the curtain so the light wouldn't wake us and went back to bed. This time Hazel half woke up and asked what I was doing. I told her I had been to the bathroom. Then I took her beautiful breast in my mouth as I had wanted since I got back.

I edited the pics while they were downstairs. Then I ordered prints. A big canvas print of the three of us and a smaller print of just them two. I picked them up on my way home from work the next week and managed to hang the big one over the bed while they were out in the barn. The room was still pretty bare on the wall. They had apparently discussed what to have on the wall but not yet agreed. When they got back I took them up to surprise them.
"It's really beautiful Laurel." Hazel kissed me.
"Yeah I think it's just the right thing." Ivy kissed me too.
"I was thinking that maybe we could add pics of the babies and stuff later."
"That's a really good idea." They hugged me.

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