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We were waiting outside the house when Laurel pulled in in a tractor pulling a pretty run down work trailer. We had gotten a text to come outside and we had bundled Aspen up in blankets, Willow was already wrapped skin to skin with Hazel and a wool hat and Hazels coat around them both was enough. We didn't expect to have to be outside for too long. Laurel honked and waved at us and Aspen woke up with a cry.
"Sorry!" Laurel opened the door and jumped out. She didn't close the door and hadn't turned off the motor of the tractor. She almost ran up to us and kissed us and the babies. Aspen calming down as I fed her.
"I found it!"
"You found what?"
"My grandfathers old trailer!"
"Oh." It all made sense now. I could understand why she was so excited. That trailer meant a lot to her. Hazel hugged her and I did too. As good as one can hug a very pregnant woman with a baby attached to the boob and someone else already hugging them. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Where was it?"
"My boss had it as a staff restroom in the forest. We went by there today and I got so excited when I saw it. He had forgotten he had gotten it from my grandfather and said I could have it back!"
"You drove it all the way from the forest?" It's not that I didn't think she could do it. It was more about her being this pregnant and the risk of getting stuck.
"No. My boss actually drove it and I followed in the car. We switched just down the road so I could drive it here to show you. He'll be here soon to collect the tractor."
"Don't you need the tractor to move the trailer?"
"I was thinking I could park it by the barn in the meantime. And then maybe under the big oak in the pasture?"
"Maybe..." It was a lot of information at once. Of course we were happy Laurel had found the trailer that meant a lot to her. But it was also pretty fun down and not the prettiest. It had potential though. If she renovated it it would be very cute in the pasture. We told Laurel to invite her boss in for some tea and went inside. We weren't exactly dressed for visitors and it would take them a little bit to get the trailer in place. We got us and the babies dressed, started the electric kettle and defrosted some cinnamon rolls. There were sandwiches if they were hungry. I don't know how much Laurel had told him about us. He obviously knew Laurel was pregnant. Probably that she was expecting twins. But had she told him she had two girlfriends and two newborns at home? He didn't seem surprised when he came inside though. And he complemented our home and the babies. Laurel even showed him the library. Apparently she had talked about how amazing it was. He said he could understand why she loved it.

The day after I found Laurel in the oak tree when I checked on the sheep.
"Why? How did you even get up there?"
"I was checking if it's healthy. I don't want dead branches to fall on the trailer."
"I get that. But how did you even get up there?"
"I climbed. She just shrugged."
"Did you forget that you're pregnant?"
"Oh. Hm yeah maybe. I was a bit excited."
"How did you even reach? Can you get down?" The lowest branch was a few meters above ground. I couldn't even reach it if I jumped and I was way taller. And no longer pregnant. Laurel climbed out on one of the branches, somehow maneuvered herself so she was hanging under it before she let go and landed with a soft thud in the grass. Then she walked up to me and kissed me.
"Monkey." She kept kissing me.
"Have you ever fucked under this tree?" I shook my head. "Do you want to?" I looked around.
"We're visible from the road." She kissed me again. Obviously in the mood for more.
"Barely. Plus we're not if we go to the other side."
"Fine." Her eagerness definitely got me in the mood for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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