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Ivy's due date came and went. The birth pool was set up and the debate on where it should go had ended. The living room and bedroom had quickly been ruled out. Obviously it wouldn't be in the sex room and Hazels craft room wasn't the spot either. Kitchen was nice but a bit too crowded unless one took out the kitchen table and it wasn't a top choice anyway. The real choice was between the library and the glassed in Porch. Hazel was voting for the library. She wanted to give birth there and thought it would be neat if both the kids were born in there. But she also wanted Ivy to give birth where she wanted. Problem was that Ivy couldn't decide. She obviously liked the library but the veranda was the place she had a lot of plants and she liked the idea of giving birth there. I was surprised they asked what I thought but it was nice to be included. I had no clue about stuff like this though and said I thought we should do it where Ivy wanted. Which they appreciated but didn't help much in the actual decision making. So I made a list of pros and cons. The veranda had the obvious downside of being colder now that it was October. However there was a fireplace and we had space heaters. So I suggested we'd do a test run.

They agreed and we lit a fire out in the veranda fireplace. It was fairly private even if it was made out of glass. It was surrounded by the backyard that was mostly a fenced in orchard. Pretty view but no one would come there. So that wasn't an issue. It did get warmer with a fire but it was still a bit chilly so we turned on the space heaters. It helped a lot but we were sitting under the galaxy blanket. And Ivy would not be dressed in a lot of clothes only one thing to do and I undressed. The others got the idea and undressed too. It was a bit chilly but not too bad. Being naked together led to other things though. Very pleasant things. But not things we'd do to stay warm on the day of the birth. Ivy agreed that the library was a better option. I said we could always bring some of the plants to the library and all of the sudden the decision was not a big deal anymore. Baby Aspen would be born in a library jungle.

I was at work when Hazel called and said that Ivy was in labor. I told my coworker I had to leave because my girlfriend was giving birth. He just looked at my very pregnant belly. I told him it was complicated. Not mentioning that my other girlfriend was due in a few weeks. When I got home they had started to fill the birth pool and had called Katie. Katie was a friend of theirs that also was a midwife. I had met her a few times by now and she seemed like just the person you wanted at your birth. Calm and knew what she was doing. Ivy was less calm. No wonder considering what was about to happen but not very like her. She was usually the calm and organized one. Hazel a bit more messy and absent minded. Now however she was calm and supported. I liked to see how she knew exactly what Ivy needed and was fully there for her. I had no idea what was expected of me. Or to be honest not much about the whole process. I just told them I was there and they should let me know where they wanted me. Ivy just hugged me tight and then gave me a kiss. When Katie came the pool was full and it was time for Ivy to get in. It didn't take long before she asked me and Hazel to get in with her. I had brought my camera down to take pics if we wanted to. I don't think any of us noticed that Katie took pictures of us when we were all in the pool. But later when I found them I really appreciated the only pictures we got with all of us pregnant together. And there was some beautiful picture and one could really see the love between us. I wouldn't find those until days later though. All our focus was on Ivy and the birth of Aspen.

It was early evening when she took her first breath. The whole experience has been very overwhelming but so precious. Ivy held Aspen close and Aspen found her way to her mothers breast. I couldn't stop watching them. Aspen was the most precious being ever born. I kissed Ivy and told her how proud I was of her. How strong she had been. Hazel only had eyes for Aspen but I kissed her anyway. If I had thought of the camera I would definitely have taken pictures of this moment. But I didn't. Good thing Katie did though. She captured these moments for us and she'd always have a special place in my heart for that.
I hadn't expected to bond with Ivy's baby. I thought I'd probably grow to love her when she got older and I got to know her. But it was this instant love. Love at first sight. But the first time I held her I felt the connection. This wasn't just Ivy and Hazels baby. It was our baby. My daughter. I found that picture later too. Me holding Aspen having all my focus on her. Not able to stop smiling. Hazel with her arms around Ivy. Both of them watching me and Aspen together.

Things with a newborn changed drastically. Other things barely at all. One of the things that surprised me the most was how much I liked having Ivy be able to spoon me when we slept without her belly being in the way. I hadn't known how much I'd enjoy that. At the same time I kinda missed her belly. It was how I had gotten to know her. It was that body I had fallen in love with. Even if there was more to our love than the physical attraction. I hadn't wanted it to change. But I also loved the change.

Aspen was of course the biggest change. The absolute best change my life had ever had. I didn't know how it would change when Willow was born. Or when I gave birth to Juniper and Rowan. But it was mixed feeling. I loved only having one baby. And I couldn't wait to meet the others.

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