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We talked about the situation when Laurel was at work. Not necessarily behind her back. More a couple thing. We both knew we were poly and had discussed it for years. We knew we were open for more people in the relationship if someone special. Neither of us were interested in random hookups. More liking the idea of a bigger family and feeling that there was space for more people in our relationship. Not that we'd been unhappy alone. We had clicked from the beginning and been together for so long we felt like we fit very well. Not that it was perfect. Nothing is perfect. But there wasn't any issues so big it couldn't be handled with some discussion and compromise. We both felt that Laurel could be that missing person. Her moving in felt so right. Her sleeping in our bed. All of us talking about the children and planning for the future. Just the common daily things. It just worked. And even though she just went to work twice a week we already missed her when she wasn't home.

The question was. Was this just a really good friendship? Was it more? Were we attracted to her or just enjoying her platonic friendship? Was she interested? In us both? And who is crazy enough to start something between three pregnant hormonal women?

In the end we decided it would be better as a discussion between us all. We decided to write her a letter and leave it for her when she got home from work while we went to the grocery store so she could read it alone.

Dear Laurel. We really enjoy having you around. Your company has been really brightening to us since we got to know you. It feels like we've known you forever and can't imagine not having you around.

As you know we're poly. And we've been open to adding someone to our relationship for a long time. We're not saying we're necessarily in love with you. We enjoy your company as friends. But if you're interested we'd like to talk about the possibility of it being more.

If you're not interested we can just stay friends. Our feelings for you as a friend won't change. We want you to live with us if that's what you want. No matter what.

As a way to give you a simple out if you don't even want to acknowledge this letter we have a non verbal option for you. We've cleared the fridge of magnets and stuff. The magnets are in the box on the bench beside. If you want us to completely ignore it all and pretend this has never happens, put a red magnet on the fridge. If you are a bit hesitant but open to talk about it a bit in person or written, put yellow on the fridge. If you're open to talk about it openly put a green magnet there.
Love Ivy and Hazel

PS. We'll bring pizza home for dinner. If you're too hungry to wait there's leftover soup from lunch in the fridge.

In All of the Universe we Found YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora