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     JAMIE WAS STILL sat downstairs when Elvis finally returned home. He noticed the light still on in the living room.

"What you doin' up?" He asked softly.

"Thinkin' about to tomorrow." She said, equally as soft.

The man sat beside her, allowing Jamie to lay her head on his lap. He placed his hand on her hair and began to play with it.

"Everything's so fast, E. Its hard to keep up. It's overwhelming." She spoke. "I don't know how you do it."

"Me either, darlin'." He sighed, still playing with her hair. "And those papers, saying some god awful things about us. It ain't fair."

Jamie moved her head so she stared straight up at him. "E, I think we should really give them a show tomorrow."

Elvis looked down at the girl. "You think?"

She nodded, a small smirk playing on her tired lips.

He smirked back. "What you thinkin' baby?"

"The mayor loved you on the Steve Allan show." Colonel said to Elvis as they, an officer and Jamie sat in a police car. "All the important people did. What song are you going to sing tonight?"

Elvis glanced at Jamie, who looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I've made no decision. I'll feel it."

"Pay no mind to all the cameras. Those are our friends in the nice squad. They don't mean nothing, ain't that right chief?"

"As long as you don't as much wiggle a finger and no inappropriate lyrics come out of your mouth, doll."

Elvis wanted to punch the chief but he held back, the Colonel got out of the car and the two followed. Jamie stood slightly off to the side when Elvis spoke to his family, once again Jamie's father wasn't here but this time it was due to him catching a cold, he didn't feel well enough to make it to her show.

"Elvis Presley and Jamie New!"

Colonel stopped the pair before they got on stage. "Just sing a nice song, smile the nice smiles. No wiggling. None of your songs, Jamie. Then we can get back to our show business. And have fun!"

The pair finally walked on, hearing the crowd yelling their names. Elvis' outfit consisted of an all black, slightly more tailored suit with a red tie. Jamie somewhat copied his outfit, she wore a full black skirt and a red blouse.

"Theres been a lot of talk about the new Elvis." The man spoke into the mic. "And the possible new Jamie."

The crowd let out a boo at the mention of the new Elvis and Jamie.

"And of course, the other two." He raised a finger and started wiggling it, earning some cheers and laughter from the crowd.

Very faintly, the pair heard the segregation rally happening three blocks away from them.

"Theres a lot of people, saying a lot of things." Jamie finally joined, her voice low with hatred.

Elvis took Jamie's hand, causing many screams from the fans who have always wanted the pair to get together.

"Of course, you got to listen to the people you love." Elvis glanced at the Colonel. "But in the end you gotta listen to yourself. So I want you to know that those New York people ain't gonna change us none!"

Elvis took off his guitar and let go of Jamie's hand. The pair walked away from the mics to say what song they plan to sing.

"Trouble." He said to them.

Jamie grabbed Elvis' wrist before he went back to his mic. She whispered something to him and turned around. The crowd watched as Elvis unzipped the skirt on Jamie's body. This sent many of the men nearly crazy, as if they expected to see her with nothing under neath.

The Presleys, the Colonel and the Chief were rather relieved when the skirt came off and they saw that under it had been pants. Until they got a slightly closer look and found that they were leather pants. Her blouse was tucked into them and she still wore her heels.

Elvis let out a low whistle, throwing the skirt to the side. "Damn, mama, couldn't have told me about this before?"

Jamie smirked, turning back to him and pulling her hair out of her updo, letting it fall naturally. "It would ruin the surprise, handsome."

She shook her hair a little and made eye contact with the chief, she sent him a playful wink.

"We're gonna show you the real Elvis and Jamie tonight!" She shouted down the mic.

"If you're lookin' for trouble
You came to the right place
If you're lookin' for trouble
Just look right in my face."

Elvis sang perfectly, hitting every beat so easily.

"I was born standin' up
And talkin' back
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack."

Jamie sang, not noticing how Elvis watched her every move. He was basically checking her out infront of a whole crowd.

"Because I'm evil
My middle name is misery, yeah, yeah
Well, I'm evil
So don't you mess around with me."

The pairs voices mixed perfectly for this song. Everyone loved it

"I never looked for trouble
But I never ran
I don't take no orders
From no kind of man."

Jamie raised her brows in a suggestive way at the last two lines of the verse, and she smirked when men began to shout louder.

"I'm only made out
Of flesh, blood and bone
But if you're gonna start a rumble, don't you try it all alone."

Jamie watched as Elvis sank happily into his music, swinging his hips as he usually does. He was back to himself.

"Because I'm evil
My middle name is misery, yeah
Well, I'm evil
So don't you mess around with me
I'm evil, evil, evil as can be
I'm evil, evil, evil as can be
So don't mess around, don't mess around
Don't mess around with me
I'm evil, I'm evil, evil, evil
So don't mess around, don't mess around with me
I'm evil, I'll tell you how I'm evil
So don't mess around with me

While the pair knew that this song and the way they were acting would cause a stir, they didn't quite expect what did happen. The segregated people began to mix, thousands of photos taken of the two being suggestive and being their usual selves.

Suddenly, Jamie felt an arm around her waist. She turned to see an officer trying to drag her off stage. She pushed herself away, seeing the same thing happening to Elvis not far from her.

"Get off her!" Elvis shouted, enraged at the officer who had once again grabbed Jamie and began pulling her off stage.

"Elvis!" Jamie shouted, trying her hardest to get away.

It took four officers to get Jamie into a police car, two of them had to keep pushing men away who were trying to get to the young woman while the other two pulled her violently towards the police car.

She was the first in and second later, Elvis was pushed in too. The pair looked at each other, Elvis' hands flew to her face, checking for any injuries she may have faced when being manhandled by the officers.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." She reassured him.

He nodded and just as the car started driving, he slammed his lips against hers in a sudden adrenaline rush.

| THE ROCK AND ROLL LIFESTYLE | E.PRESLEY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now